Chapter Two: The Confession

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The gentle swaying as the To'kustar walks is very soothing. This is compounded by the fact that his palm is as soft as a bed, making the ride feel as comfortable as a cradle. A little too comfortable in fact. You almost want to just lay down and take a nap, though you immediately dismiss the idea as you don't want to be seen as a weirdo on the first day.

As the border of the human district recede behind the To'kustar's body from your position, Kai'shu decides to break the silence by starting a conversation.

"So is this your first time visiting To'kust?"

"Yes, first time." You replied, while craning your neck backwards to look at his face high above. He also glances down at you a few times as he walks.

"How do you like it so far?"

"Feels very different from Earth."

"I bet." The To'kustar chuckles, sending slight tremors that you can feel while sitting in his palm. You decided to hide your enthusiasm from him for now with your response. Obviously you were more than thrilled to be seeing a real life giant, let alone being carried gently by one. You elect to act cool for now for your first conversation, and see if you can advance the interaction later on when you arrive at your new temporary home. After all you still have 30 days to go before you need to head back.

It was a short walk to get to the shared residential complex from the Terminal. Kai'shu used his free hand to pull open the large glass door leading into the complex. After a brief walk down the hallway, he stops and opens another door leading into the room that you will be staying while you conduct your business. You turn around curiously to see what it looks like, just when Kai'shu booms from above you, "Welcome to your home away from home!"

The room itself, whilst cozy for a being as large as a To'kustar, is absolutely massive for a human, pretty much like everything you've seen on the way here. A whole city block or two can fit within the room. From your vantage point, you can see there is a kitchen and a bathroom for the To'kustar, along with a seemingly Japanese style futon bed on the floor in one corner. In the other corner, you see a human sized three story house. It has a open rooftop complete with an outdoor patio and swimming pool, in general pretty contemporary looking. It looks like a deluxe dollhouse from your position, if you imagine that you were also a giant from this perspective.

Kai'shu heads towards the house and stops right in front of it. He announces, "Hold on tight." Not knowing what to hold on to, you spread your legs forward and place your hands backward in an attempt to stabilize your body. You feel a modest lost of gravity as the To'kustar takes a one legged kneeling position and lowers his hand so that the surface of the palm is flush with the roof of building. Knowing that this is your destination, without a word you quickly grab your belongings, trek through the soft palm of the giant, and step onto the solid footing. You turn around to see Kai'shu retracting his hand that is almost as big as the roof you are standing on. He again announces, "I'll give you a moment to unpack and get settled down. This building is large enough to house several humans, but you got it all for yourself, so feel free to choose whichever bedroom you'd like. The house is fully featured with several amenities you can utilize. There is also a front door in the first level if you'd like to walk around. But before all that, grab my attention once you finish unpacking. I need to understand your itinerary and explain a few more tips that should make your stay here much more enjoyable."

This time you manage to capture everything he said. You nod in response. You can tell from his actions that he seems fairly professional and experienced, probably having been in this trade for quite a while. Kai'shu smiles and starts standing up. As he rises up to his full height, you finally get to see just how diminutive you are compared to him from far below. At his size, just the act of standing up causes his gargantuan build to push the air around, generating a light breeze around you. You behold this formidable display of size difference and disproportionate strength, getting a sense of just how vastly overpowered a human is standing next to a To'kustar. You really are no bigger than those green army men you see in Toy Story at his scale. Your fixation on the To'kustars gargantuan frame continues as he turns around and head to a nearby chair. His feet, each the size of a yacht, large enough to fully stretch across a six-lane highway, rises and falls elegantly as he maneuvers his body around. You still cannot fathom how can something this huge move so effortlessly. You imagine no manmade structures can survive being stepped on by those immense and unwieldy soles. If a To'kustar ever showed up in a city on Earth it would no doubt cause mass panic.

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