Chapter 33

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**So this talks about death of parents and depression stuff so if that makes you really upset or triggers you, please skip the chapter, but if you wanna read the fluffy bits, just don't read the long paragraph texts that have a warning before them. I hope this makes sense, and I hope all of you are feeling good. I'm always here to talk if any of you need it, I love you. <3**

Chat with @Draco_Malfoyyy



Sorry if I've been quiet these last few days


I just needed some time


Hi, love


You don't need to apologise for anything


But I do


No you don't


I know things go on in your life, and I'm not sure what it's like because you haven't told me, but I won't force you to if you don't want to, I just want you to know I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to


Thank you


Can I tell you something




Ok well, I haven't told many people this, only Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Ginny know this...


Would you rather tell me in person? I can meet up with you if you want


Um it's easier to say over text


Ok, I'm here when you're ready

**WARNING sad topic starts now**


So um basically I moved here because a little over two years ago my parents... died. I stayed in my old town for a while after but it brought back really bad memories, so my godfathers took me in like they always said they would if anything bad happened, and we moved here


I really love my godfathers and they are the best dads I could have since I have known them for my whole life, but I obviously miss my parents. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't 'replace my parents' but then at the same time, I know they would want me to move on, remembering them, but not hanging onto the past.

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