Chapter 71

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@BlazeZ Harry fell asleep

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@BlazeZ Harry fell asleep

Liked by @Roonil.Weeslee, @Draco_Malfoyyy, @HermioneG and 18.98k others

Tagged: @HazzaJP



@HermioneG - They also apparently fell out of the boat... we can hear them coughing


As Harry got tipped backwards out of the boat, Draco turned from where he'd been floating in the water chatting with Blaise. Harry was behind him so he hadn't noticed Ron sneaking up and flipping the little boat. Obviously being startled, Draco and Blaise turned to see the commotion as Harry kicked around, spluttering for air. They knew how to swim, but being woken up by falling backwards into water wasn't exactly relaxing or pleasant. In their panic, they sort of forgot that humans can't breathe underwater and gasped as they were engulfed in the cold river water.

Draco was glad that Blaise rushed over too, tossing his phone onto the grass as they both attempted to help Harry. If it was just Draco frantically trying to keep Harry from drowning in water that was barely up to their shoulders, it might look a little suspicious to their friends who keep joking about them being together. Standing where they were, Blaise was closer to Harry and ended up hooking his arms under Harry's armpits, dragging them above the surface.

Harry's hair was plastered to his face, covering his eyes as he coughed up a little bit of water. "You alright, Harry?" Blaise asked as he supported his shocked friend in the water. Draco reached them and stood on the other side of Harry, patting their back gently as they coughed. "You didn't swallow too much water did you?" Draco asked as he brushed Harry's hair from their eyes so they could blink them open. When his hand sank back under the water, Harry's free hand that wasn't rubbing their eyes managed to find Draco's. Good thing the water was pretty murky thanks to it being river water so no one would see the way their fingers laced.

With a nod and a final cough, Harry reassured them that they were alright, just got a shock and accidentally inhaled some water. "I'm really sorry, mate. I didn't mean for you to get like this." Ron apologised as he swam over, feeling pretty guilty about making his best friend almost drown. "'S alright. I would've done the same if you were sleeping and ruining the fun," Harry gave him a smile, getting one in return as Ron gave them a hug and a pat on the back, making them splutter up a bit more water even as they laughed.


@Luna_Ginny Rope swing time!

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@Luna_Ginny Rope swing time!

Liked by @NevsNature, @HermioneG, @HazzaJP and 19.12k others

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@HazzaJP just a little ways up the river is a tire swing too!!!

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@HazzaJP just a little ways up the river is a tire swing too!!!

Liked by @Draco_Malfoyyy, @HermioneG, @ThatBitchPansy and 19.53k others

Tagged: @HermioneG, @ThatBitchPansy

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@Luna_Ginny so many swings around here!! This one's so pretty!!

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@Luna_Ginny so many swings around here!! This one's so pretty!!

Liked by @Draco_Malfoyyy, @Roonil.Weeslee, @BlazeZ and 19.31k others

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@Luna_Ginny Luna and I are moving here to this forest when we are older and we will have cats and fairies

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@Luna_Ginny Luna and I are moving here to this forest when we are older and we will have cats and fairies. It's been confirmed.

Liked by @HazzaJP, @ThatBitchPansy, @NevsNature and 18.97k others

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Oops. Harry almost drowns!! Whoopsie!

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