Ch 4

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I could see news reporters doing interviews while policemen and ambulance are bagging up dead body's. Of course we got out of there so nobody see me or S529 we sat on rooftop

(Y/U) Shit! Torchwick escapes

(S529) Sir um who's torchwick?

(Y/U) crime lord robbing bank thief and now the white fang's are working together

(S529) um... sir I just got here so can you explain what's going on

(Y/U) ...right

I explained everything to her and mostly what going on, but not the age part

(S529) wait a minute..... they used dust for fuel and weapons and equipment?!

(Y/U) yeah, let's go

(S529) alright

(Y/U) wait I think i seen some of your files but not your name

(S529) it's sapphire sir


After that I called oz for pickup and transported the pelican in Beacon warehouse

(One day later in Ozpin office)

I was working on a projects that similar to elite energy blade that I'm working on, I wonder what oz needs me and sapphire today

(Glynda) that it your going school tomorrow, and no but

(Ozpin) I also agree with Goodwhich you need to prove everyone why you join Beacon Academy, tomorrow your gonna show everyone what you got

(Sapphire) "very confused" but aren't we little old going to school

(Ozpin) you didn't told her

(Y/U) "shaking my head" No

(Sapphire) what going on??

(Glynda) how old are you

(Sapphire) 25 why!

(Y/U) remove your helmet and see

(Sapphire) ok I'm just gonna look at the mirror out there

She left out the door and moment later we heard loud crash

(Sapphire behind door) WHAT THE FUCK!!

(Glynda) I'll go help her

She left too leaving me and oz in his office, well he spoke

(Ozpin) you know miss neopolitan will be staying with you and your daughter Sally and miss sapphire is too

(Y/U) why me?

(Ozpin) well your responsive for breaking her leg and bringing both of them here "drinking his coffee"

(Y/U) "sigh" I will get you for this "pointing at him"

Then glynda walk in mostly shook

(Ozpin) miss glynda is something wrong?

She walk toward oz and told him something, and seem he is shocked as well

(Y/U) well... I'm here too did she do something wrong out there

(Glynda) "clear her throat" no... of matter of fact she form here

(Ozpin) and it's seem she was lost child too

(Y/U) well we could call her family, so let's find them

Glynda and Ozpin look at each other until someone walk in, so I believe it was sapphire

(Sapphire) ...sir what the hell? Why am I fifteen again!?

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