ch 6 who are you

509 10 9

(Arthur here: do hope you enjoy other story soooo don't worry I'll try fixing the damage on other but right now start screaming I'm mean READING!!)


(Pilot) Sir we're be there in 3 hours

(Y/U) right... wake me when we're there

(Pilot) yes sir

I close my eyes waiting to fall asleep minutes later I did


Y/U Dream fragment 2

"Braving heavily"

(Young Y/U) over here you stupid mutt "throws a rock"


The camera followed and disappeared behind trees then it trun to scientist putting Y/U armor on heavy equipment

Showing his face for last time

(Older Y/U) you don't remember who you are right well..., REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!



What the hell was that why am I having these weird dreams

(Pilot) sir we're nearly there

(Y/U) good keep on flying

(Pilot) yes sir

*Ring ring*

Who the fuck is calling my mission it's starting soon

(Y/U) who ever this is I got no time to talk

(Ozpin radio) my apologies but why did you put 4 of my students in hospital

(Y/U) you serious, I put them in there because they hurt my daughter

(Ozpin radio) there's no reason breaking their bones

(Y/U) if you got something better I suggest you say it

(Ozpin radio) you could've told me this before going berserk

(Y/U) listen here and listen well if someone hurt her then they are asking for trouble got that

(Ozpin radio) I...i understand

(Y/U) good

(Ozpin radio) by the way i got good news it seem you do have semblance and aura

(Y/U) yeah what that

(Ozpin radio) it's seem everytime your fighting Grimm's it'll automatically activate

(Y/U) really

(Ozpin radio) yes every Grimm's will only go for you, the more you kill somehow fear will cause them running away but it doesn't alway work everytime

(Y/U) interesting

(Ozpin radio) yes but instead of summer or tai semblance your must've been mutated

(Pilot) 2 minutes get ready

(Y/U) anything else

(Ozpin radio) yes can you leave your camera on every students want's to watch you

(Y/U) really..."sigh"...fine

I hung up and found a camera laying there I grab it up fixed up my cam, after that I reloaded my assault rifle and the rest

(Halo X RWBY) lost On Unknown Planet ((Slow Updatesl))Where stories live. Discover now