day 5 : treatment 1

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alice and i, we liked to spin 'round,
hand in hand,
in the gardens tended by mudbloods

alice and i, we were royalty in wonderland,
bound tightly to our thrones,
where purity conquers all

alice and i, we like to spin so fast - upside down too! - my stomach couldn't catch up and i threw up in delight

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'is alice still there?'
they always ask that when my throne stops spinning,
but they call it a chair and my brain is still addled
i don't mind, though, leering back at them salaciously,
'alice is always with me.
she would never leave me.'
and the doctor sneers
and the nurse comes back-
blonde hair shining, stupid filthy 
i am forced to choke down bitter ambrosia
and fall,
back to alice

rotational therapy

     " i noticed that children often spin, to induce vertigo, which then sets them off in bouts of laughter. i wonder if this could be applied to patients of the mental asylums as well."
          — erasmus darwin
     rotational therapy was developed by erasmus darwin (grandfather to charles darwin, biologist who coined theory of evolution through natural selection) and involved sitting patients in suspended chairs that were then made to spin 20-40 times. this treatment was thought to effectively evacuate the bowels, bladder, and stomach of patients. sometimes, rotational therapy would be used as punishment when patients refused to comply with staff orders.

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