day 13 : treatment 2

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it rains, sometimes, in wonderland

frigid, freezing, cold rain that blisters in heat upon my skin

alice and i, we always try to outrun the rain,
but it always finds us,
evades us,
chases us,
captures us

alice found me a blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders,
the rain always affects me more

but she was duped and the towel is the rain in secret and my skin gets burned again with
frigid, freezing, cold rain

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i often come to, swimming in an icy pool with the doctor's head floating into view

he hasn't even moved but i already know what he is going to ask-
     and i would rather drown

but it seems he knows me as i know him and suddenly i can't flip over because i see my hands have already been chained to the sides of the pool

i seethe in anger, in despair,
this is the 20th time now
and it plays out the same every time ;
     'alice will never leave me,
     no matter what you do'


hydrotherapy, commonly known as cold water therapy, was used to sedate patients. there were a variety of ways to achieve this purpose, but essentially, the patient's body would be subjected to cold water for a long period of time (ranging from several hours to several days).
hydrotherapy could be carried out by wrapping patients in towels soaked in ice water, strapping patients to baths full of cold water, or hosing patients down with frigid water (think getting sprayed with a fireman's hose, the pressure was very strong).

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