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✦ Chapter 10: Fog ✦

✦ Chapter 10: Fog ✦

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THE GROUP CONTINUES walking. Katniss had climbed a tree to investigate the seemingly small arena, and confirmed that the arena is a dome, leaving them encased in a small bowl. She also confirmed that other than the salt water in the middle, there didn't appear to be any visible bodies of water. They decided to set up camp about ten yards from the forcefield, using it as a form of protection.

While Isla and Finnick create a type of shelter out of leaves from the trees, Katniss speaks up. "Finnick, you should take watch. I'm going to go try and hunt." Finnick gives her a nod, and she stalks off into the thick brush.

Isla looks at Peeta, who has begun to bounce nuts from the trees off of the forcefield to roast them. As she finishes making a mat for a bed, canons begin to sound, representing the end of the initial bloodbath. Everyone seems to count eight, meaning there's still sixteen left.

"I don't understand what you're doing." Isla speaks to Finnick in a low voice, not wanting Peeta to hear. "And what about Johanna?"

"Do you trust me?" He looks at her, sweat beading on his glistening tanned skin. He seems to beg her with his eyes to say yes.

"You know I do, but seriously?" She hisses softly, motioning at the blonde boy eating the nuts. "You knew they were my last choice."

"It's better we keep them close." Finnick explains, "And I'm sure Johanna's fine. She's probably just with Blight." Isla examines him for a moment, but before she can continue pressing him, their conversation is cut short.

Katniss appears from the lush green plant-life, holding some sort of odd, giant rat-like rodent. It dangles from her grasp by it's tail. "Any water?" Peeta asks hopefully. They're all unbelievably thirsty, but Isla can only imagine that dying has made him even thirstier than the rest.

"No, but this guy knew where it was." She holds the rodent up, "He had been drinking recently before I found him, but I looked everywhere. I searched a thirty yard radius around where he was and couldn't find his source."

"Can we eat him?" Finnick asks, inspecting the animal.

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't look much different from a squirrel. We ought to cook him first, though."

Not wanting to risk a fire, after Katniss skins the kill, Peeta begins placing pieces of the meat onto small sticks. He reaches out, poking the forcefield with the chunks of meat until they're fried. The outside is crisp, and the inside is well cooked but still tender. Isla enjoys a few pieces, but she can't help but think that a nice glass of water would be great to wash it all down.

Everyone gathers near the small shelter as the sun begins to sink on the horizon. The nuts become a nice snack as they all discuss the rodent. Finnick calls it a 'tree rat', but no one can seem to figure out how it had been drinking water.

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