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✦ Chapter 15: Communication is Key ✦

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ISLA MET MANY well established men during her next few days in the Capitol. Not much else has happened, although Peeta has begun to look rather sickly on television. His cheeks are hallow, his eyes blank. He speaks with a feeble voice, not much fight seems to be left within the blonde boy. Isla is sure Johanna must be dead if they're treating Peeta, their spokesperson, that badly. The girl would be no use to them alive, a waste of space to them. It would be easier to just put her out of her misery by now.

It worries Isla, as she hasn't found much use in prostituting herself to the men of the Capitol. She isn't being any help at all. If anything, so far, she's just fuelling the Capitol's side. She can't even help Peeta by stopping the torturing he's enduring. She has no say, and Snow has refused any of her requests to see the District Twelve victor. She has to sit idly by as he deteriorates right in front of the country.

Today, she's supposed to be meeting with a man by the name of Titus Griffith. Orion showed up after lunch to get her up to speed on her visit tonight. He often briefs her on who they are, what they do, and how to successfully satisfy them. Essentially what the men expect from her visit. Apparently, Titus is in charge of almost all of the communications systems throughout the country. He oversees the operations of District Five, and the entire system within the Capitol. He's extremely rich due to his title, and because of this, extremely important to President Snow.

Orion explained that without Titus, the rebels would be able to take over the Capitol's broadcasting systems with ease. "He's probably one of the most important men you'll meet." Orion had said. Which left Isla thinking if maybe this is her chance to make a difference. If she could kill Titus, the communications between all of the districts would be down until they at least found someone to take his place, someone with enough knowledge to get it back under control. Until then, the rebels would have free reign to air whatever they'd like, and intercept all communications between the Capitol officials.

Suddenly invigorated by her newfound mission, Isla prepares for her meeting tonight. She puts on her best clothes, one of the outfits Orion had suggested. It consists of a black dress and heels, nothing too flashy, as Orion said the man is rather reserved. He likes simple, elegant, and classy.

As the clock hits seven o'clock, she can hear the elevator door ding as it opens. She's met by peacekeepers, who are to escort her to her destination. She often has no idea where she's going, and the car windows are tinted the darkest shade possible, not allowing her to see the outside world.

The car ride is quiet as she sits in the back alone, blocked off from whoever drives the vehicle. She estimates the drive to be about fifteen minutes, as the car halts and she hears a door open in the front. Soon, her door is opened, allowing her to step out and into the cool, fresh air.

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