This Friend

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I walk through the crowded halls of my high school trying to just make my way to the parking lot so I can go home. I was done with this week as soon as it started.

After I told Ella everything about Lucas she shared her thoughts which mostly consisted of her squealing I left the locker rooms quickly before Lucas could meet up with me. Apparently she didn't see how Lucas was at fault, only that he truly likes me, or so he says.

Once I finally hit the parking lot I spot someone I was not expecting to see leaning against my car.

"What's up?" I stroll to a stop in front of her.

"I need a ride."

I bite back my tongue so I don't lash out on her. Today has been rough as it is and I don't have the patience in me to drive Quinn around.

"I'm sorry but I need to get home." I move around her to the driver's seat hoping that she'll leave me alone.

"Why?" She jumps up from the hood of my car. "So you can go cry in your Hello Kitty themed room?"

"Excuse me?" I ask astonished right after I manage to unlock my car.

She rolls her eyes and walks around to the passenger side. "Don't act like it's not obvious. Something is bothering you and I bet you all the money I have that you have been planning on running home and crying your eyes out since third period."

So what?

"How do you know that?" I ask meekly. It seems that I can't get anything past Quinn the Detective.

"You came into art looking like hell and with your bottom lip between your teeth the entire time. And you look the same way right now." She points at me as if it's that obvious. Maybe it is.

I sigh and say apologetically, "Look, I'm sorry Quinn but I've had a really sucky day and I want to go home. To yes, go cry and stuff my face with Ben and Jerry's."

"Well I won't let you."

"You won't?"

She shakes her head defiantly and says, "Nope, sorry but I won't let you mope around for God knows what reason."

"So what do you expect me to do?"

"Come with me to my friend's house. It's just him and his cousin but they're both really cool." Quinn stops to think about it for a little bit. "Well one of them is and he's cute and you would totally be into him." She wiggles her eyebrows with a smile.

I sigh and, frustrated, say, "I don't need another guy in my life, I've had my share. Thank you though."

"It wasn't a question."

"Quinn," I whine.

"Get in the car now," she orders sternly. She sounds just like my mother, British accent and all.

When I'm about to argue with her once again I spot Lucas from far away. He stomps his way through the crowd of teenagers with a scowl on his face. In a chance of luck he glances up from the ground and spots me staring at him. His scowl fades and is replaces by overwhelming guilt. He starts to make his way to me, pushing through people and shoving some out of the way.

I turn to Quinn quickly who is already looking between me and Lucas.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"You said this guy is cute?"

A smile breaks out over her face. She nods enthusiastically, already opening her car door. "Yes, yes he is. Well I guess it matters if you like blondes."

I slide into the seat beside her and watch as Lucas is stopped by his best friend and my hero Jake. Lucas tries to walk around him and push him away but Jake holds on with an odd amount of determination. Then I recognize as Lucy Pratt's two friends come marching towards Lucas and stand in his way as well, one of them instantly attaching herself to Jake. Lucas looks around them to me with an urgent look, still trying to peel away from them.

"Haven't tried them, but I will now." I start the car and speed out of the parking lot, cutting off way to many people which of course makes Quinn ecstatic.


I pull up to the house, noticing all the cars in the driveway.

"I thought you said it was only the two cousins?"

Quinn doesn't look even a little bit affected as she says, "I lied."

"Why?" I ask dumbfounded and even slightly angry. I swear if she lead me to a drug house or a gang I will wring her neck.

She flips the visor down so she can admire herself in the mirror, even though I know she doesn't need it. She's beautiful and even though I'm a girl, I say that she's totally hot. Every boys dream. Probably Bash's too now that I think about it. If Bash is to date anyone then I would think it would be someone like Quinn. They're basically clones of each other.

Stop thinking about that asshole!

No more thoughts about Bash! It's clear that he wants nothing to do with me so I should show him the same manners.

"Because you're not good with crowds." Quinn keeps her eyes on her own reflection.

"Is there going to be a lot of people?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "Sometimes a few girls come over to try and get in their pants, but usually it's just the guys."

"The two cousins?"

She jumps out of the car and I do the same. Music instantly hits my ears. I hear a lot of drums and guitar coming from the garage. Are they playing a damn concert?

"And their band mates."

Quinn leaves me behind as she struts up the sidewalk to the front door. I run to catch up to her. When we reach the front door she spins around towards me, nearly bumping me backwards.

Her eyes go from my toes to my hair and back down to my toes. "First things first," she says, "try to look sexy. So that means no weirdly smart comments about stuff no one cares about and that includes not talking about boring stuff. For a girl like you these guys will be intimidating but you have to keep up the conversation so they don't think you're weird because they're as honest as I am, maybe more so."

Oh great.

"Just talk about stuff they like and that will get them to do all the talking. Seem interested too even if you aren't."

"What would they be interested in?"

She gives me a duh look and says, "Music, sex, and drugs."

She turns back around to the front door as I say, "I'm going to stick to music."

"Good choice."

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