This Birthday

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Just to clarify... No one knows who Nathan is because he has never been introduced. He is not related to Sadie or the Jeffersons in anyway. He's just a childhood friend/old neighbor. There are no romantic connections between Sadie and Nathan. He's like 25 lol. I have included him in the story because he is important to how the rest of the book plays out and you will see later on what I'm talking about.

Now enjoy!!:)

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"And who the hell are you," Nathan snarls, his grip on my waist tightening.

"What's going on here," my Dad asks once he walks into the kitchen.

"I'm Sadie's boyfriend and if you don't get your hand off of her in five seconds than you'll be lying on the ground instead," Sebastian threatens.

"Boyfriend," my dad and Nathan ask at the same time, their heads swiveling towards me.

"Um surprise," I ask.

"I told you to get your hands off of her," Sebastian growls.

"Wait just a minute," my Dad begins, holding up a hand and heading towards Sebastian.

He side steps my dad until he's standing nose to nose with Nathan who is now blocking me from my own boyfriend. "You aren't allowed to date Sadie. She doesn't deserve someone like you," Nathan seethes, going into over protective mode.

"You don't know what she deserves," my Mom speaks up for the first time today.

"Stay out of this. I can handle it.," my dad barks at her. "You boy, need to get the hell out of my house and away from my daughter. I've met men like you and I know that they never treat women the way they should be treated," he says to Sebastian.

"Adam," my mom yells at my dad. Hurt and anger clouds her face. She stares at my dad as Bash and Nathan have a stare down. I know I should be worried about the two boys having a pissing contest in front of me but there's something so intense on my mom's face that won't let me break away from it.

"Where are you going," my dad asks as she storms away.

"Away from you!" Seconds later we hear her footsteps echo on the stairs as she runs to her bedroom.

My Dad sighs and turns back to us. "If you're going to fight for my daughter than fight like damn men and stop staring at each other like that."

"Dad," I protest.

Nathan's snarl turns into an amused smirk as he taunts Bash. "Mr. Jefferson has always given the best-"

Before he can finish his sentence Bash has grabbed Nathan's collar and yanked him away from me and flinging him towards the refrigerator door behind him.

"Well then," my Dad says shocked as Nathan struggles on the ground. "I don't know if that counts."

"It does," Bash snarls as he reaches for me. He pulls me to his chest and kisses me swiftly on the lips. "Are you alright? Will you tell me who the hell he is?"

"He's my friend," I snap while trying to get out of his arms to go to Nathan. My Dad holds up his hand, gesturing for me to stop while he helps Nathan to his feet. His face isn't as bloody as I expected but it is bruised and I can see where he bit his lip.

"Friend," Sebastian asks incredulously. "He didn't look like your friend when I came in. 'Nathan please'," he mimics in my voice before growing angry again.

"He's my friend Sebastian," I spit. "I've known since I was a week old. Hell he might as well be my brother!" I push his shoulders hard, succeeding in being free from him. "He was looking out for me. That's what he does, that's what he's always done!"

This Love ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz