Part 18- Truly Yours

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Aslan's POV.

I was on the plane making my way to Australia. I have a meeting with some other business man.

Yes, I kept going to college after high school. The choice was mine although I had only one goal, I didn't know that I also had many other things I was good at.

Money is such an easy thing to control and get. If only people knew how. Not only did my dad let me take over his position in the mafia but he also let me take the lead as a businessman.

I had no idea he was also running multiple businesses at the same time. So that's where all the money come from, that's what I thought at that time.

After loosing her, I lost the taste of life. I had no motivation. No goal and no will to stay alive anymore.

At first, everyday I found myself stalking her. In my dreams, she was there. Every second, I could only think of her.

Where did it go wrong? What actually did I do?

How could I ever loose her?

I had so many dreams in which she was in. I had so many things I planned to do with her.

But just when I felt like my life was actually about to get better and that all that was happening wasn't just a dream. It all fell down.

I still don't know what I did. Three years, and I still don't believe a single word she told me before leaving me.

Because of her, I went from completely great to a whole mess.

Smoking, drinking, casino, gambling...I do all of that now. Just, anything that could make me stop thinking about her for a second or even a minute.

It's hard. Because I still can't stop. She's the first and the only one who made my heart beat.

Really, no one else can do the same.

I tried. I tried going out with some other girls. Nothing works. Nothing makes me forget her.

There's no way for me to forget this girl. This girl that took a part of me before leaving me alone.

My phone suddenly rang as I picked up.

"Hey my guy, it's Felix I wanted to know if you could be interested in getting yourself a personal assistant?" he asks me.

Felix is a business friend of mine from Australia.

"Why all of a sudden?" I asked.

"Only if you're interested of course, we have many of them coming for the interview today and since I know you were recently looking for one I thought maybe it could help.." he explained.

I don't know if it's a good idea.

"Okay Felix, I'll pass by for a while then" I agreed.

We'll see, maybe I'll find someone trustable enough.

I don't have a secretary because they all have disappointed me in the past. Some of them had used the company's information I trusted to them against me. Some other were actual spies sent by other companies.

The list goes on and that's why I've stopped ever since hiring assistance. I can handle everything myself pretty well. Having one will maybe let me sleep some more.

But for that, I need to find the right one.


Later on that day after the meeting, I was now in the room where the interview was taking place.

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