Chapter 31

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Callum's POV...

An angered sigh left my mouth as I looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought. Nia's leg rested across my stomach while her head cuddled into the crook of my neck, letting out tiny breaths as she slept causing faint shivers to crawl up my spine.

Watching her confront Luke at the warehouse today with so much anger, exhaustion and sadness in her face and voice made my chest ache. She was in so much pain but she kept a straight face, while he stared at her as if she had done something wrong.

The sight angered me to the core, I wanted nothing more than to run him over with the same car he used to kill Nia's kid. But I needed to let her take her anger out, get some closure then use it to build herself up.

This was the last step for her grief, she got to confront the person responsible for that heartache and loss, I'm happy she got that opportunity.

Now I get to use him as a punching bag for the next little while.

I looked down at her face. Since she'd been drunk, it didn't look as tense as usual. She was getting more rest with the alcohol in her system and wouldn't wake up for a while, so I took that as a chance to speak to Luke and get back home before she even knew.

After slowly shifting out of her gentle hold, I kissed her head and covered up her naked body before checking the time. Five in the morning, I have a lot of time to get some anger out before anyone wakes up.

"Miles. Bed." I pointed to the bed. He stood up and jumped onto the bed before laying beside his momm-Nia.

Damn, this shit is growing on me.

I shook my head and gave him a few scratches on his head then made my way out.

"Morning, honey, you want some coffee?" Mary smiles, holding out a cup for me.

I nodded, "Thank you. I'll be home in a little while."

"Alright, be safe."

She kissed my cheek and walked away. I let out a heavy breath at the gesture, looking down at the cup and reminiscing some horrible memories from our relationship when I was younger. Jordan and I were always so confused, so lost and didn't understand what was going on because of how complicated it was.

I wish I still didn't know.

Thoughts about absolutely anything filled my mind. Mom, Dad, murder, death, Nia, Alexis, him.

Him. Fuck.

I let the thoughts fill up my mind and anger me to the core so I could let it all out when I got to the warehouse. Every possible situation that could mess up a person's life just had to happen to me, to Nia, to our relationship and it was so frustrating. Even more when I realized no matter how much I love her, how much I've genuinely fallen for that woman and would do anything for her, it didn't matter.

There's no excuse. Not one.

So when she leaves me for it, when she finds out and lets out her anger, her misery on me I'll let her. I'll let her kill me if it comes to that point. It was wrong, keeping this from her but that's who I am, I'm not gonna pretend that just because I've fallen in love it turned me around.

No, I was raised to put myself first.

"You come first Callum, you understand me? Not your mother, not any random girl, no one." Dad said. "Never put anyone first if it will mess up business. If you do, you're a poor excuse for a son. I'll be looking down at you and wishing you were fucking dead and I'll make sure Jordan understands that as well. You both need to harden up."

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