Chapter 56

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A/N: I just wanted to leave a note that I wanted to put at the end of the last chapter but forgot to, lol. Obviously, what that nurse did to Nia and other patients is fictional but for people who read it and are thinking of going into a facility like that, please don't let how I or people portray what it's like in books or movies affect your opinion on it.

I've heard good things about those types of facilities and I don't want what happened in the last chapter to make people feel like it's a dark place and could only make your mental health or addiction worse. What I'm getting at is if you do need help with something like that, don't let what happened to Nia change your opinion and make you feel scared because you're most likely not going to have an experience so traumatizing when you give it a try.

You guys probably didn't even take it that way, but I just wanted to make sure it didn't make anyone feel scared. love you all, stay safe and enjoy the chapter, my babies.



Nia's POV...

As the morning sunlight hit my eyes, making me squint in my sleep, I let out a tired groan and turned over. My forehead hit a soft, warm chest that I snuggled up to immediately. I pressed my body flush against him, a smile forming on my face at the familiar feeling I haven't had the opportunity to feel for the past few weeks.

A raspy groan left his mouth as he shifted, wrapping his arm around my body and kissing my head in his sleep before getting comfy again, all while he was still in a deep sleep. I pressed my lips against his bare chest, breathing in his manly scent.

My eyes slowly blinked open, the haziness clearing up and letting me see Callum clearly, peacefully sleeping like a baby. His hair was ruffled, sitting in different directions that he still managed to make look sexy.

I felt like a teenager, an excited giggle leaving my mouth as I snuggled further into him, wrapping my leg around his waist. I gently eased him onto his back and climbed on top of him, my hands on his chest with my chin sat on top of my fingers while admiring the peaceful sight in front of me.

I looked over all of his tattoos. His sleeves showcased bigger tattoos that were connected by smaller ones that seemed to not have any meaning. I noticed one on his forearm. It was a butterfly whose wings were burning from the center of each one, the fire was slowly spreading, leaving holes in her.

I frowned, caressing the skin softly before looking at another that was placed on his upper arm. This one was even darker with a skeleton with devil horns coming out of its head while it looked down at a man, his head down as he sat on a little line that was supposed to be a seat. The man didn't have many details but was shaded in certain areas, showcasing his muscles. The way he was sat made him seem tired, exhausted even while the skeleton fed off of his pain.

The last one was on his other arm, it was the face of a man. But the man's face was almost jumbled together, it was a mess. The right eye looked angered, hard and cruel while the left looked gentle, kind and caring with a tear falling out of it. But below the gentle eye was a frown that was angry, matching the right eye. Underneath the right eye was a frown that was just sad and in despair. They didn't match, the face was cut into quarters instead of half angry and half sad.

Whoever it was couldn't decide what emotion he felt. He was angry and sad, sadistic and cruel, put in despair and crying altogether. He couldn't make up his mind, he didn't know what he was feeling.

The face had a neck beneath it, a rope tied around it that was tightened all the way, making his veins pop out like he was struggling to breathe. The tattoo reached to his chest before it faded out into thorns and roses, some dead and some fully blossomed and alive going all the way down his arm before it reached the back of his hand where that final rose was, the first tattoo I noticed on him when we met.

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