I'm Going To Kill You

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Giancarlo's POV

I scanned Bianca's body looking for any injuries when a purple mark on her left arm caught my attention. I walked over to her to get a better look at her arm. "Why did he do this to you?" I asked her calmly so I didn't scare her. "There was loud knocking at the door as I was making breakfast so he grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room and locked me in it just incase it was an intruder." She said while looking at her feet. 

I turned around and walked to my guard who still had a gun pointed at his head. "Who the fuck gave you permission to touch her!?" I yelled at him. He didn't answer and only looked down. I don't think I've ever been so mad in my life. "Answer me you son of a bitch!" I yelled while punching him. I saw Bianca flinch out of the corner of my eye. Shit!

"I'll deal with you later." I spat at my guard. "Bring him to a sound proof room and shoot him in the legs so he doesn't run" I whispered to Sofia as she walked out. 

"Come here." I motioned Bianca to the bathroom so I could put some cream on her bruise. I picked her up and placed her on the counter so I was standing between her legs and grabbed the cream from behind her. She hissed as I touched her arm "Sorry" I mumbled. 

"Once we're done here we have to go to the cemetery to finalize things for tomorrow." She nodded as we looked in each others eyes. She smelt so good, like vanilla and flowers, and the way her wavy hair fell on her shoulders almost made me lose control. Our faces were only inches apart and it took everything in me not to kiss her beautiful, plump, pink lips. 

"Umm, I think we should get going." Her soothing voice broke me out of my trance as I helped her off the counter. This girl doesn't know what she's doing to me. 


After the meeting, I decided that I should bring her to my house. She shouldn't have to stay in that small loft above the club. The drive has been really quiet and I'm not sure why. Was it because of what happened earlier today? I look to her calmly sleeping in the passenger seat with her head leaning on the window. Damn she was beautiful. 

Arriving at the house she was still asleep. After parking, I walked to the passenger side of the car to bring her inside. I already know I'm not going to hear the end of it when my brothers see. I lift her out of the car bridal style and walk through the front door.

"Look who's finally home- oh shit did you kill her?" Tony asked me with raised eyebrows. "No I did not kill her, she's sleeping." I replied in a whisper so I didn't wake her. "Is that G, because I'm going to kill him." Dante said while walking out of the living room too busy looking at his phone. "You couldn't pay me a visit in the hospital after I got shot!" he yelled and Bianca jolted awake.

"It ok, you're ok." I said as I placed her back on her feet. Dante looked up from his phone. "Oh my God! You're the nurse that saved me. Thank you." Dante said while giving her a hug. I gave him a look telling him to back off and he did. "Someone's protective." Enzo mumbled from the top of the stairs. Great, everyone is here. 

"Where am I?" She turned around to question me. She had a worried look on her face. Before I had a chance to answer Dante did. "You're at our house. Well, technically its G's house but we're here all the time so it's basically our house. Come on I'll give you a tour." Dante grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.

"Dante leave the girl alone!" Enzo yelled from the top of the stairs. Tony laughed. 

Bianca's POV

"This is the kitchen but don't be afraid to use it when you want, la mia casa e la tua casa. (My house is your house) and this is the living room but we don't really do much in here. We have a theatre, a gym, and a gaming room in the basement which is all open for you to use and we have a pool outside." Gees does this Dante guy breath? 

"That all sounds great but why exactly am I here?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Umm, from what I heard this Daniel guy wants you for some reason, so we have to protect you." He smiled at me like it was nothing. 

"Why does this guy want me so bad? Is he also apart of a Mafia like you and your brothers?" He looked at me shocked that I knew about the Mafia. "Your brothers told me when they kinda kidnapped me." His face turned into anger. "You three idiots kidnapped her!" He yelled as he walked back to the front entrance where Giancarlo, Enzo and Tony still were. 

"Ok but you weren't there. She wouldn't have come if we asked her politely." I mean Enzo wasn't wrong, I would probably run the other way. "Whatever. Let's go watch a movie pretty lady, you can pick." Dante put his arm around me and led me to the theatre. I could feel Giancarlo staring at us walk away. 

Giancarlo's POV

"Well, Dante's probably going to be with her all day but still keep an eye on them," I order my brothers. "I have to kill someone, I'll see you guys later." I finished as I walked out. I wasn't in the mood for answering questions, but my guard has to pay for hurting amore mio. (my love)

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