Screw You!

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Giancarlo's POV

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask while running down the stairs. I turn to the kitchen to see Veronica standing in the door way. "Hope you two have fun, me and Enzo are going to watch a movie." Bianca said while running off. I already know I'm going to kill someone today. 

"Veronica, what the hell are you doing here?! You can't just come to my house uninvited!" I yelled at her. Pissed off is an understatement of the way I'm feeling right now. I'm trying so hard not to become the Shredder right now and its killing me. 

The Shredder was the name everyone gave me after word got out about how I torture the people that cross me or my family. I used to cut people's limbs off, cut their skin with the sharpest knives, burn them until I could see bone and when I was finally done with then they would look like they went through a shredder. But my father taught me how to tame that part of me and to only use it when needed.

"What I just wanted to see my boyfriend." She said while touching my chest. I quickly slapped her hand away but it was too late. The Shredder was released. "I. Am. Not. Your. Fucking. Boyfriend." I said while backing her up to the wall, close enough for me to grab a knife. 

I slash her cheek and her scream kills the house. "You have just signed your death wish Veronica." I repeatedly slashed her stomach until she fell to the floor. "Giancarlo! What the hell are you doing!?" Tony yelled from behind me. He instantly ran to pull me off her.

"Make sure Bianca doesn't see this and get someone to clean it up." I said walking by him and up to my room. She was going to die so might as well let her suffer. 

After my shower I felt myself go back to normal. How am I going to fix things with Bianca? She's the only girl I've felt this way for and now everything is ruined. I know what she did with Enzo was to get back at me but I know I will need to remind Enzo to never touch her again. 

"Giancarlo, are you in there?" Sofia asked while knocking on my door. "Go away Sof, I mean it." She didn't listen and just walked in instead. "Did you really just go all Shredder on one of your sluts in the kitchen! What if Bianca saw?" She yelled at me. 

I was not mad at myself for doing what I did. She deserved it. I'm mad because she ruined the only real relationship I've ever had with any girl. "Where is she?" I ask. I need to fix this. "I don't know. I checked every room in this house and I can't find her."

"Did you ask Enzo, he was with her last. They were going to the movie room." Worry was starting to run through me. What if she left? What is someone took her? "Enzo said she left the movie room but doesn't know where she went." She replied. I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Shit!" I quickly grabbed my phone and called one of my men. "Get everyone at the house to look for Bianca, NOW! Check everywhere!" I ran out of my room and started looking for her myself. This is all my fault.

After about half and hour of looking, one of my men called me saying she was sitting under a tree in the backyard. I instantly went to her.

"Bianca?" Her shoulders were violently moving up and down like she was crying. "Bianca, I can explain everything." She still didn't do anything but I knew she was listening. "She isn't my girlfriend and she never was. I've had some sluts come in the past but it was never anything more than fucking."

"Please say something." I already knew she was upset at me before I even came out here. "What do you want me to say Giancarlo? Your brother told me that you've never had a girlfriend, only sluts. So what was I to you yesterday? Just another one of your sluts that you tried to fuck but it didn't work? I should have never kissed you because I clearly read your feelings wrong."

"You weren't just another one of my sluts that I tried to fuck yesterday! Since the day my brothers and I saved you, I couldn't get you off my mind. You are literally the definition of perfect. That kiss last night meant more to me than anything in this world. Veronica is literally psychotic and ever since she's looked at me she's claimed me as her boyfriend but I'm not."

I've never been this honest with someone before so I hope she finds it in her to understand and forgive me. "You wanna be forgiven? Fine, you're forgiven. But, whatever is going on between us is on pause, I want Daniel dead by the end of the month and I want my dad found so I could kill him myself. Got it?" She sassed at me.

Damn that was hot. "Done. Anything you want." She smiled and walked passed me towards the house. I watched her ass bounce as she walked away and felt myself get hard. This girl is going to be the death of me one day. 

I called a meeting with all my men so we could find Daniel. "As we all know, Daniel has broken the contract twice already so the next time it happened I don't want anyone hesitating to kill him. I know that he will eventually come back on our side and when he does thats when we will attack. He must be dead by the end of the month. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." They all said together before dispersing back to their positions around the house. "Tony, Enzo, Dante, and Sofia stay here." They stopped in their tracks and looked at each other. They all think they're in trouble, it's hilarious. "Can you guys calm down you're not in trouble. Well maybe Enzo but thats besides the point."

"Bianca wants her dad found so she can kill him, and so she can know why he killed her mom." They all nodded signalling that they are all on board. "I'll get some men to track him down but after that we are the only ones on this case." They all nod again.

"Ok, you can leave now. Except Enzo." The three of them leave and I could tell Enzo is scared out of his mind. "So brother, want to explain to happened with you and Bianca?" He was so nervous he was sweating, I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"I walked down the stairs and next thing I know she jumped at me and started kissing me. And then I saw Veronica behind her so it was obvious she said something to Bianca so I went with it because I know Veronica would make fun of her for lying." I couldn't hold back anymore and erupted in laughter. Enzo face looked confused.

"Brother, I know you would never do that to me so calm down. But, if anything like that happens again I'll really be mad and beat your ass, got it." he sighed and nodded. This man really thought he was going to die today. 

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