Back to School

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It was morning at Artoria's house Artoria was making some coffee for herself an (Y,N). She finishes making them and heads to the sofa where (Y,N) can be seen he had a smile as he enjoyed watching the T.V, holding a plate that had eggs and bacon. Artoria comes and places the cups of coffee on the table in front of them and sits next to (Y,N) who snuggles closer to her and watches the T.V. 

Artoria: "(Y,N), I think its time for you to go back to Beacon" she says out bluntly.

(Y,N): "You sure? Is it really necessary to go back there?" he asks frowning at Artoria

Artoria: "Ozpin wouldn't be happy if one of his students left and never came back. Besides, I can come up with a excuse for your absent, and maybe get you a private room away from your team." she says trying to comfort (Y,N).

(Y,N): "Very well, I gues I cant be away for much longer." he says feeling more at ease.

Artoria: "Great! We should get ready to go back to Beacon in a bit, lets finish up eating and then head out." she says getting up and heading to her room.

(Y,N): "Right."


The elevator opened as (Y,N) and Artoria appeared inside, walking out and heading to Ozpin who was sitting at his desk looking through some papers. He looks up to see Artoria ad (Y,N) behind her.

Ozpin: "Artoria how have you been? I can see you brought a missing student with you." he said adjusting his glasses.

Artoria: "I am fine Ozpin, and don't worry about your student, I took him with me for a bit of training, my apologies for not telling you about it." she said formally

Ozpin: "Oh? So do you know each other?"

Artoria: "Yes, we grew up together, he's about 4 years younger than me."

Ozpin: "I see. . .Very well, but next time please let me know of your absent is that understood (Y,N)?"

(Y,N): "Yes Headmaster." he stated 

Ozpin: "Well then, I guess you should go back to your dorms with your team for now. I bet their hanging out with RWBY and JNPR"

Artoria: "About that, I was wondering if he could have his own private dorm for his school year."

Ozpin: "Hm? May I ask why though?"

Artoria: "I believe he can do with some alone time for now, and I will visit him a few days now and then."

Ozpin: "But you know I cant just give a student a pr-"

he stated before Artoria slammed her fist on the table, giving out a menacing aura. Scaring Ozpin, he may have been a hundreds years old, but he never could have gotten rid of the fear of angry women.

Artoria: "Please?" she said with a smile, but emitted a aura of a demon

Ozpin: "V-very well. . ." he said startled

Artoria: "Thank you, Now then I supose that I should get going, I too have missed a few days of work." she said walking to (Y,N).

(Y,N): "I see, see ya then Artoria." he said hugging her.

Artoria: "I will visit you once a while. Till then goodbye" she said hugging (Y,N) back.

Artoria walks out to the elevator and it closes as the lights above showed that it arrived to the main floor.

Ozpin: "Well now that thats over I believe I should show you your new room."

(Y,N): "I have a question though."

Ozpin: "Hm? Yes?"

(Y,N): "Do you and Artoria know each other?"

Ozpin: "Yes, we've known each other for some time, she was a great student back then." he said holding his coffee

(Y,N): "I can see that"

(Y,N): (His hands are shaking) he thought as Ozpin held his coffee but his hands were shaking in the process


(Y,N) entered his new room, and takes a look around, it was a normal studio apartment that had a small kitchen, bathroom, closet, and bed that would be enough for a normal person to live cheap. (Y,N) walks to his bed and lies down staring at the ceiling, looking to the side his sword was leaning on the chair. He looks at it before getting up, taking his sword, having it at his side, and heads out deciding to take a walk around Beacon.

He walks around the paths of Beacon  looking at where his old dorm was, he continues walking and head to the library, grabbing a few books and began studying. He fell back by a lot in class when he left, and now he was consider to be at failing point in class. He reads as he notices that again his luck was just not with him.

His team was in the library with again team RWBY and JNPR. Not wanting to deal with their shit, he grabs the books he was reading, checks out and heads back to his room hoping to study in their.

(Y,N): "What should I do now? I'm done holding back, so maybe I should show Cardin whos the stronger one." he said to himself as he looked up from his book

(Y,N): "I'm going to show them, that messing with me was their biggest life mistake."


Hey sorry that this chapter is short I did it on a small time. I have a full schedule so its getting more harder to write, Ill try to update once a while. I'll also be working on other books like my Angel Demon one. But don't worry, this book is still going.

Till then see ya!

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