A little investigation

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3rd POV

Rain fell from the sky as the midnight moon shined on Vale. The streets alleys, and abandoned streets were dim black as only abandoned dogs barking a chord through the streets could be heard. Footsteps were heard as a single person walked down the dark empty streets, (Y,N) who had a hoodie on walked up to the site of the first base he had come with White Fang.

Looking at it again it's looked as if it wasn't touched at all, except when you enter the inside you will see all the blood and bodies that were missing limbs. That aside (Y,N) enters the building walking over bodies that were in his way and made his way to a certain door, opening it he enter the room and switches the light brightening the room.

Upon the room was a shelf that had several crate all stacked together, (Y,N) walks up to one seeing the WhiteFang logo on top and then opens the case showing dozens of dust shards in them. Looking at another case and opening it, he finds even more shards in them he takes one out examining the bright red color before putting it back in. It was at this moment that (Y,N) started to smell the wretched bodies as the blood and organs decayed on the ground with flies all over the place, he didn't care for it but part of him liked it clean so he goes into another room and grabs a mop, gloves, bleach, and a mask before grabbing one of the bodies and going outside....


It had been an hour or so but he managed to get the whole place cleaned. (Y,N) admired his work with a proud sparkle in his eyes. the room that had decaying bodes with faces of despair and terror were gone with clean, non murderous walls. where did the bodies go? Its best not to ask. he takes a good look to see if he missed a body or two but finds none and continues with his work on the dust. 

He had already found the dust so he went into another room that was also filled with crates, again he opens one up and see's that this time its not dust in there its money. There less than half of the crates compared to Dust but there were a few still. Looking at all the lien, his greedy side got him and so he takes a bag that he found in the corner of the room and stuffs as much as he can in it before putting it on his back. He exits that room and walks around more, finding guns, ammo, WhiteFang clothing, and some blades lying in the corner. (Y,N) stops feeling as if he searched every spec of this building and just stood there as if waiting for something to happen.

"The whole place is searched, I guess there's nothing left to do." (Y,N) though as he walked out of the building, though as he left he had more than just one bag on him this time. As before he got greedy, a little too greedy as each bag had money, weapons, shards, and a single clothing of the WhiteFang. "I didn't think of how I'm going to hide this stuff did I" He thought "But then again I like them and I might need them so I'll just use the excuse that I bought them on Ebay" he thought as he walked along the hollow streets.


The evening sun shinned upon Vale as tape covered the building that (Y,N) was at Newcast were just out of the tape as police were walking around the scene, some had confused faces as they looked at their scrolls talking to someone.

"I don't know ma'am it looks like this place is abandoned " said a cop who was talking on his phone, the cop waited a few seconds as someone was talking from the other side inaudible to every one else except the cop. 

"No ma'am the whole place is empty not a single body."

. . . . . . . .

"We've been tracking this base for weeks they've been all over the place and by the time we get to one of their old bases its completely empty"

. . . . . . . . 

"No this base has crates in them but there all empty. My only guess is they left in a rush or someone was here."

. . . . . . . . 

"That's the issue, we don't know. There's not a single trace of them rushing or any blood anywhere"

. . . . . . . . 

"Understood ma'am." And with that the scroll was cut cold and the cop continues back to working.

From the other side of the call the women drops the phone and sighs, putting her arms on the desk in front of her and resting her head on top of them. The women thinks as the situation they were in was strange.

For the past few months the WhiteFang had been going all over the place in stealing dust and they didn't know why. There had been little reports that money was also being stolen along with weapons, both whom the WhiteFang were responsible for, and now something or someone has made a WhiteFang base completely empty with no trace of a single goddamn blood or smear anywhere. Whatever this was it was no hit and go plan, they were prepared.

A knock could be heard from the door making the women look to the door before replying "Come in."

The door opens and a another women comes in holding a tablet (Are all electronics called scrolls? Like is a tablet also a scroll?) and a dress Like a secretary.

"Sorry for the intrusion." the secretary says bowing in apologies

"No need is there something you need?" the lady sitting on the desk says

"I wanted to remind you about the papers about the training of students with huntsmen."

"Ahh yes that, I'll ask my sister if she would like to attend it."

"Are you sure? This is a urgent request."

"I know, I know but we both look the same and I don't have the time to do it. We just got a new case and its made things hard as it is."

"Very well I'll send her the message"

the secretary grabs her phone out and starts typing in it a bit before staring at the screen and putting the phone back.

"Its been sent."

"Is there anything else that you need?"

"No ma'am, I'll take my leave" With that the secretary walks away about to close the door behind her.

"Wait" The women said looking back at the secretary

"Hm? Something the matter?" the secretary said looking confused.

"Where is this training happening?"

"At Vale miss"

With that the women at the desk makes a grudge as she looks intently at the secretary.

"Vale? Alright, cancel my meetings I'll sign up for the training."

"May I ask what's with the sudden change of mind?"

"Theirs an old friend I need to visit, my sister went there and didn't invite me so I guess I should go myself"

"Miss Artoria didn't invite you? That's odd you two would always go to parties together."

"Its not a party, its more like a. . .competition"

". . . . . Very well, I'll get the documents ready. Would you like me to put in every detail, or just the required one?"

"Just put every detail in."

"Ver well miss Lartoria it will be done by tomorrow."

"Good, now you may leave."

With that The secretary leaves and Lartoria turns around on the desk before getting up. She was a splitting image of Artoria except her hair was more white and hey eyes were bright golden. She wore a more dark commanding suit compared to Artoria and her face was cold.

"So. . .Vale huh? I might pay (Y,N) a very, very long visit." She says as she smiles biting her thumb


(Y,N) sat in his room with a bored face, he had been like this ever since school finished. He got up from his bed and stared at the bags that he brought yesterday. They were all empty, where is all the stuff? Again, its best no to ask.

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