Chapter 11

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"Winner!" I lift my head from my laptop as Kris whoops at his victory against his twin. I role my eyes turning back to my laptop attempting to focus on the essay I have to write for English. I've been trying to write I for the past 20 minutes, but with my brothers constant distractions. There's no chance of me getting any work done.

I sigh closing my laptop and standing up from my comfortable position on the couch. I watch as Kris runs around our family room like a five year old on a sugar high. Blake had stood up from their arm wrestling "ring" as they had called it (it was really just the coffee table). Now he was standing next to the opposite couch.

I smirked to myself as a plan started to form in my head. Charging towards the couch, I jumped up onto the arm rest nearest to Blake. Landing on his back. Wrapping my arms and legs around a shocked Blake, I leaned forward and whispered my plan in Blake's ear.

I watched as his lips curved up into a smirk almost identical to the one I had been wearing. We both glared at Kris still running around the room.

Just as I had expected Kris turned his back to us as he turned for another victory lap. Blake took his chances and ran up behind Kris. To our advantage Blake was faster than Kris even with me on his back. I watched from over Blake's shoulder as our plan worked.

Blake's large frame collided into Kris sending him onto the ground. What no one was expecting was Blake's momentum to continue pulling us forward. I yelped as both of Blake and I landed onto top of a confused Kris.

"Hey. What was that for?" Kris groans from underneath us. I laugh releasing my death hold from around Blake as he stood up. I still lay atop Kris looking down at his still shocked face, before it turned into an evil smirk. The same one Blake and I wore coming up with our plan.

"Was this your idea kiddo?" He asked looking me dead in the eyes.

I smiled "It sure was Krissy." My smile only grew as I watched his smirk disappear at my nickname.

"You little stinker!" He says standing up, dragging me with him before throwing me helplessly over his shoulder.

I let out a small yelp as he starts running around again. I smack him on the back. "Put me down you big oompalompa!" I shout.

He just laughs at my horrible attempts to insult him. "Alright." He finally says lifting me off his shoulder and placing me on the floor. "But you have to promise me one thing."

"Anything." I reply not wanting to have to go on his back again.

"Well... every year you girls get the big room in the cabin." He states. I smirk in all of the past five years the girls and I have gotten the bigger room in the cabin consisting of 3 bunkbeds. While the smaller room has 4 twin sized beds.

"This year Blake and I want the large room." Kris requests.

"Not in a million years." I reply.

"You asked for it." I watch as Kris once again throws me over his back running around the room.

"Kris." I ask from atop his shoulder. "Are you on a sugar high?"

He chuckles as he quickens his running.



After another few hours of relaxing at home I can truthfully say we got nothing done. The boys finally dropped there argument on who was the strongest. They then relaxed and watched T.V while I attempted to work more on my essay, it didn't work very well. Thor is so hot! Although I'm a much bigger Captain America fan. Or maybe hawk eye, I always thought his name was hot gut because let's be honest that guy is hot!

We finally got on our way after picking up my friends. An hour and a half later we arrived at the cabin. The girls and I rushed into the house throwing are bags into the larger room so the boys couldn't have it. I laugh as we walk past the boys on our way to the kitchen both of them groaned as they entered the smaller room.

The girls and I prepared snacks for the five of us. None of us willing to eat a full meal. Remembering my promise I pull out my phone and message Will.

Me: Hey, we arrived at the cabin. I'll call you tonight.

Will: Ok, talk to you later. I miss you.

I stare at his words. I knew he would miss me, he told me he would. But as I stare at the message, all I can feel is... numb. Before I felt happy he cared and missed me. Now I feel guilty. I should have invited him to stay with us. I groan burying my face in my hands.

"What's up Carter?" I hear someone approach me.

I turn around uncovering my eyes, and coming face to face with Katie and Riley. "I'm an idiot." I reply closeting my eyes and shaking my head. "I feel bad for not inviting Will to come with us."

Riley sighs. "Carter, I'm going to be completely honest with you. You are an idiot."

"What you guys are supposed to be cheering me up! Not make me feel worse!"

Riley opens her mouth to reply but Katie interrupts her. "What Riley is trying very badly to say. Is that you don't need to regret yourself on not inviting him. In fact it was a good decision. Ever since the two of you got together you've been practically inseparable. Being apart for a little bit is nothing. He can spend sometime with his buddies, and you can spend time with the coolest girls ever." She finishes motioning between herself and Riley.

I laugh shaking my head. "I love you guys. You always know exactly what to say." I open my arms standing up from the stool I had been sitting on. "Group hug!"

We laugh as our arms encircle each other.

"Shoot, did we miss a fight?"

We turn around looking at Kris and Blake in the doorway of the kitchen. I turn back around a devilish smirk on my face, I wink at the girls. They nod understanding what I was trying to say.

As if on cue the three of us charge at the boys. I watch their shocked faces as I jump onto Kris's back. The girls went after Blake. Each of them grabbing one of his legs so he couldn't move. All of us burst into laughter as Kris starts walking over to the kitchen. I jump down from his back walking over to the bowl of fruits grabbing a few and popping them into my mouth. For the moment I had completely forgotten about the message from Will.

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