𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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To love someone else's child was an unusual thing, even for the Duke, who was no stranger to the unconventional. But there was something about Dylan that drew him in, perhaps the way her golden curls bounced when she laughed, reminding him of a long-forgotten memory. Whatever the reason, he loved her like his own daughter and vowed to protect her from the harsh world that lay beyond the walls of his estate.


"I registered for the entrance exams myself instead of going through my tutor," Dylan explained, trying to keep still as her maid struggled to tame her thick, unruly golden curls into a proper bonnet. "They start soon, and I cannot afford to be late."

The Duke gazed into his daughter's warm brown eyes, a mixture of affection and regret swirling within him. He couldn't help but see the reflection of his best friend, the Marquis, in her features. Her golden curls, her quiet personality, everything about her reminded him of the man he had lost.

"Father?" Dylan asked as she adjusted the brim of her bonnet to look up at him. 

"Are you ready to go, my dear?" he asked. The Duke's smile was bittersweet as he looked at Dylan. "It's not a long journey, so you'll arrive in no time."

Dylan nodded, showing her father the registration papers in her hands. "Everything is in order, I have it all under control. You don't need to worry at all."

The Duke smiled warmly at her. "I have no doubt you'll do well," he said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Your brother will be waiting for you at the gate, so you won't have to worry about a thing. Just focus on doing your best."

Dylan's smile faltered for a moment when her father mentioned her brother, but she quickly composed herself and gave a soft, grateful smile. "Yes, thank you."

The thought of relying on that lunatic for help is insane, she mused silently. The Duke truly has no idea.

He wrapped his arms around Dylan, pulling her into a tight embrace. She shrank under his touch, feeling uncomfortable and trapped. The sensation of his hug made her feel nauseous. She tried to push the feeling down and forced herself to comply, standing stiffly in his embrace until he released her.

"You're a good daughter," he said. "You've never caused me any trouble. How about I get you something to celebrate? Some jewellery, a new carriage perhaps?"

Dylan was a quiet child who didn't readily share her feelings, thoughts, or emotions with others. She led a simple life, abstaining from materialistic desires and never asking for money. Her predictability and calmness made her an easy child to handle and raise.

"That stuff doesn't appeal to me," she said, subconsciously stepping back from him to create more space between them. "Perhaps we can just celebrate over dinner tonight. Nothing too extravagant, I beg of you."

"As you wish," the Duke said, motioning with his hand for the servants to open the front door. "You must depart to be on time. I'll see to it that supper is ready for you when you return, with all your favourite foods."

"Thank you," Dylan said, hurrying out of the door without looking back. She felt a sense of relief wash over her as she stepped out of the suffocating atmosphere of the estate and into the fresh air. Finally, she could breathe again.

"Ruenz, wait for a moment."

Dylan flinched at the name, goosebumps crawling over every inch of her skin. That name. She wished anyone who spoke it out loud would burn in hell. Memories of the past flooded her mind, reminding her of the pain and trauma she had suffered at the hands of the man who bore it. She turned to face him, her expression guarded.

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