Chapter 11 ~ Vulgar Blood

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Dylan fidgeted anxiously with her jacket in the area behind the auditorium stage. As the first-year student representative, she was required to give a short speech during the ceremony. 

In the novel, the only first-year to originally be granted a Red Coat was His Highness, the Crown Prince. Prince Caspian de Oberon was said to be a skilled swordsman with a sharp intelligence, ranking first out of all first-year students. He was also the male lead, managing to win Grisa's heart and affection over every other man who was interested in her.

Due to his childhood—since Caspian was constantly competing with his siblings for everything—he developed an obsessive personality. He always felt the need to claim what was his and didn't like other people touching his belongings. This included Grisa, as well. 

'He might just kill me for taking the top position.'

The headmaster spoke from the podium: "A very warm welcome to each and every one of you. At last, this beautiful day has arrived. I am sure you all have been eagerly waiting for this day."

As Dylan listened to the headmaster's speech, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. 

The source of the sound had a towering height that made Dylan appear much smaller than she was. The young man stared at her with grey slit eyes of silver-fire, the dark bags beneath them making him look like he hadn't slept in days. His hair was as dark as flowing ink and fell over his forehead elegantly. He was extremely handsome. 

'Ha, I know who this insomniac bastard is.'

"I pray for the glory of the empire and the blessing of the gods to the Crown Prince. I am Dylan de Beaumon, the first Lady of the Beaumon household offering you my gre-"

"You can skip the greetings," he said in a cold tone, his silver eyes scrutinizing her appearance. "Are you the first-year representative?"  

Dylan nodded, but remained silent.

"I see," he said, his gruff voice deep enough to send shivers down Dylan's spine. "What are your majors?"

Dylan was highly tempted to shout something along the lines of "leave me alone", but she clenched her jaw tightly and bit down on her lips. 

"Arithmetics and natural sciences, Your Highness."

"I see." He answered in the same gruff voice without sounding pleased in the least.

"What brings His Highness here?" Dylan asked impatiently. 

"I'm here to judge whether or not you are worthy of taking my place." 

His straightforwardness took her aback. Caspian was a character who liked when everything was in his reach. It was only natural for him to be curious about who stole his position as student representative. 

Before she could reply to his remark, the Prince stepped forward, his long fingers gently touching the fabric of her jacket. He began to fasten the top button, which had been left unintentionally undone. Her body tingled where she felt his breath against the top of her head. He was close enough for her to feel the warmth of his skin. 

'He's too close.'

"W, wait," she stuttered, surprised at the sudden contact. "What are you-"

Before she could think, she instinctively pushed him away, aghast. Caspian's eyes snapped wide with shock, as if he only just realized what he had done. In the dim lighting, the Prince's cheeks seemed to be flushed a slight shade of red.

"Ah, my apologies." He sounded a bit shy. "It was undone, so I instinctively reached out to fix it. It is unbefitting for my replacement to not be properly attired."

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