Chapter 23 (picture of Brett)

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I'm not going to bother with a A/N cos you know the drill. NO INTERNET. ARGH.

enjoy xo


‘Claire Gales… Will you marry me?’ he asked staring me in the eyes so seriously I couldn’t help but have the want to run…

Will you marry me. Will you marry me. Marry me?



‘You… you want me to marry you?’ I asked dumbly. Blinking at him incoherently as I felt all the heat rush to my head and causing me to feel slightly light headed. He nods. ‘M-may I ask why?’ I whispered not wanting to break the moment.

Yes! Say YES!

I felt bad for asking but apparently he didn’t have a problem with it, answering my question without even missing a beat. ‘Remember that time I called you. And we talked about things we’d do before we… you know. Went to heaven?’ I nodded unsure of where this was going. ‘Do you remember what was number one on your list?’ he asked quietly.

I smiled softly, ‘to get married in my mother’s favourite place,’ I whispered a warm fuzzy feeling erupting from my stomach before spreading to my chest at the thought of it.

‘At the cottage in the forest, surrounded by trees and birds and a stream not far away.’ he said, reciting my exact words.

I blinked. ‘Yes.’ I muttered.

He grins, ‘I couldn’t help but remember what you said. I don’t know why. I knew I was going to marry you one day… I mean… in a non-creepy way…’ he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, ‘that is if you said yes of course… but if you said no I totally get why. Since we’re young and all and whatnot. And others will probably disapprove… Aw shit. I don’t even have a ring!’ he slapped his face and I bit my lip to stop the giggle daring to come out. ‘Sorry, I didn’t exactly come here to propose…’

He was babbling now, his cheeks a warm pink that caused me to grin. I giggled and he finally comes to a stop of his stuttering, his eyes moving back to search mine as he smiled slightly. ‘Yes. As in; yes I’ll marry you… That is if you’re being serious of course,’ I said doubtfully.

Always doubtful. Always, always.

‘What's there to lose huh?’ I said quietly with a sheepish grin wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug which he quickly turned into an embrace, his body pretty much double mine and bringing me warmth and safety.

I sighed contently in his arms and before I knew it a whole crowd of students were filling the area the second the bell went. We didn’t move though. Why would we when right now I felt as if I were the most happiest person in the world? He was serious though. As much as I was doubtful, I knew he was serious, not by what he said but by the look he gave me right before he proposed.

He asked me to marry him! Suddenly there was a slight shove, causing our embrace to finally come to an end and for me to finally realise that yes, we were indeed in the middle of a hall full of people who were now not-so-subtly staring openly at us, mouths agape.

‘Jace, you may want to get a move on,’ a familiar voice orders from the opposite side of where I was looking, turning I wasn’t surprised to find Mack standing there, arms crossed as he gave Jace a disapproving look.

I frowned.


‘It’s fine,’ Jace smiles intertwining our fingers together and making me jump slightly from such gesture. I relax. ‘I was just leaving anyway,’ Jace finishes giving Mack a look I couldn’t determine before bending slightly to give me a light kiss on the forehead.

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