Chapter 27

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Her dress  :3--->

)just pretend its lighter :)


Arms envelope me and pull me close to another body bringing my head against a hard yet comfortable chest as our legs intertwine, my need to get closer to the warmth tugged at my brain at the same time as the need to sleep. In the end I merely shifted closer, my arms tucked between me and the warm body in front of mine before I finally gave into unconsciousness.

For once in a very long time: it felt right to be smiling before falling asleep.

And for once in a very long time: it felt right to be happy.


Waking up to a beautiful sleeping guy with a two day old stubble and no shirt on was something I definitely was not expecting to wake up to. At least I didn’t scream. I almost did though. But my brain must have known otherwise as my body kept still in this man’s warm embrace, my face softening almost immediately as I noticed he was still asleep, and even then he kept a hold around me in a protective manner.

It felt safe. It felt nice. And it definitely felt right.

Letting my eyes go over his features very slowly, something I would never have the guts to do if he was awake, I could feel myself blushing by the time I got to his lips. My fingers, I noticed, were trailing every smooth curve and hair that my eyes looked at and suddenly I was brushing my fingertips across his lips ever so slightly. His breathing hitches and he stirs a little, other than that; nothing.

I smile, unconsciously licked my lips faintly, and before I knew it I shifted upward and gave him a gentle kiss.

I went to move away but a hand snakes upward and tangles itself into my hair gently, the lips I had mine pressed against suddenly moving into a smile.

‘Now this,’ Jace whispers as he finally let me go, ‘is something I could get used to,’ he smiles staring at me through half closed eyelids in half daze and half weariness of just having woken up.

I smile back and felt as if I’ve been smiling for ages when really I only technically started a few months ago. The first being the time I first met Jace him very self.

‘I love you,’ I whispered.

This seems to wake him up even more as he treats me to a grin, ‘I love you angel,’ he whispers back leaning down to kiss me on the forehead and sending tingles down my spine also causing me to be aware of the hands on my waist and the small of my back.

I shiver and shuffle closer to him.

‘Are you cold?’ he asks concerned as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

‘No,’ I smiled against his bare chest, ‘I just like the feel of you,’ I mumbled quietly as if hoping he wouldn't hear me. But this was Jace, of course he did.

‘Are you ready?’ Jace asks after knocking on the door of our room. The room of which I was now in as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

‘U-um, yeah,’ I stuttered still not believing that the girl staring back at me was me.

I touched the full body mirror and sure enough so did the girl in the mirror. Her eyes portraying shock and confuse. Was that what I looked like?

I touched the side of my face and so did the girl on the mirror. I touched my soft blonde ringlets and so did the girl in the mirror. And then at last I touched the silky light blue, almost white dress, that I wore… and so did the girl. I watched as she touched her bare shoulders; the dress strapless. I watched as she touched the side of her body; the dress ankle height at the back and an inch above the knee at the front. I watched as she turned slightly to look at her new silver flats only a slight heel at the back of them for small leverage.

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