Chapter 13: Return of Lord Sherborne

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Esther was re-reading the same letter for the umpteenth time now.

After several failed attempts at getting a peek and asking her about the content of the letter, Florence had given up and was now standing near the huge window in Esther's room that overlooked the entrance of the Sherborne house, followed by a lush and beautiful garden, when a carriage came to a halt in it's front.

"Oh my God, Esther! I see a carriage, is it your- Indeed it is!" Florence cried with glee. "Your father!"

Eather broke out of her trance at her exclamation. Her fingers quickly buried the letter in the depth of her corset very carefully, as she ran to the window.

"Father!" She couldn't stop herself from yelling in sheer joy and the moment her father looked up at her, her face that styled hard alien expressions just moments ago, broke out into a wide grin and she was already running down to him the next moment.

"Miss Sherborne! Be careful of your dress." Florence called out after her as she followed in her steps.

After literally flying across the whole house, announcing Lord Sherborne's arrival, Esther fell into her father's warm arms like a baby.

"My lord, you seem to have arrived earlier than your information." Lady Sherborne spoke with warmth rejoicing with the happy view of the father and daughter reunion.

"Yes my dear," replied Lord Sherborne as they walked across the garden into the home, "I would've only reached by late night but a fortunate lack of traffic helped."

"That's wonderful!" Esther clapped, the smile still enlightening her golden face. "We should prepare a dinner, grand dinner!"

Lady Sherborne laughed and soon the house staff were engaged in making the grand dinner happen. Esther's mother went into the kitchen to instruct the staff on the dishes for the evening while the father and daughter chatted enthusiastically about travel, business and other things.

"My dear, you seem quite under-dressed for an afternoon. Are you well?" Lord Sherborne enquired after registering her pale and wrinkled bedroom gown.

"Yes father, I am fine, absolutely. Even better now, in fact."

"Then why are you not at the Radcliffe Luncheon?" Lord Sherborne pushed the question forward with a frowned forehead. "By any chance, did they not invite you? For that would be extremely wrong and I shall not take-"

"Of course, they invited us, father." Esther interrupted. "It was a grand luncheon with beautiful music and delicious food. However, I had to return sooner as I was feeling too uncomfortable in the crowd. Perhaps, I am still too exhausted from the yesternight ball."

"Oh, yes." Lord Sherborne's eyes lit up in understanding. "The Masquerade. Nathaniel told me all about it. I'm glad he delayed his travel for the ball, your attendance was the most necessary."

Esther did not like the direction in which their conversation had started to head hence, she put in an effort to divert. "Father, you met Nate?"

"Oh yes, we crossed paths at the townside Inn."

Esther smiled brightly, content that the subject of their conversation had been successfully diverted off Duke when her father spoke again. "So, how did you like the Duke? Are his dancing skills up to your liking?"

"No!" Esther blurted out making her father frown.

"Did I just hear you say 'No'?" Lord Sherborne enquired in curiosity for the Duke was known for his expertise in all things, dancing was the least he could excel.

"Well of course she said 'No'." Lady Sherborne joined their conversation as she walked back from the kitchen, her voice loud and disappointed. "Because she never gave the Duke a chance to present to her his dancing skills. Your daughter was too busy spilling wine on random gentlemen."

Esther's face was red with embarrassment but more with annoyance. The last thing she wanted to think about was the Duke and the man she spilt wine on. At this point, she considered having danced with the Duke last night a better alternative. At least, she wouldn't have been dragged into all this mess of Dukish secrecy and unwanted conspiracies. The thought took her directly back to the letter she had spent her whole afternoon reading and rereading so much as she had it all memorised by heart. All of a sudden the folded piece of paper began to feel utterly uncomfortable beneath her belt and she wanted to pull it out and throw it on the nearest candlestick. 

"Your dear daughter had almost ruined all her chances but fortunately the Duke was considerate enough to send her a personal invite to the Radcliffe Luncheon this morning." Lady Sherborne continued to explain to her husband how enthusiastic Esther had been about the lunch and how hurriedly she left for the same and the fact that she spent most of her time at Radcliffe's talking to the Duke. She was convinced that the Duke was more than interested in her daughter and that her daughter as well was not showing any reluctance.

It took her multiple giggles and claps to completely elaborate on the scene where Esther was almost falling to the ground when the Duke appeared to save her and held her in his broad masculine arms declaring in fact to the entirety of London nobilities as to where his interest and heart belonged.

Esther had expected her father to be happy about her getting close to the Duke but she hadn't expected him to be this happy. He was smiling wide with his cheeks turning rosy pink due to mounting too much in joy. His eyes shone with pride. All of that when she actually hadn't even talked to the real Duke, once.

A thought occurred to her abruptly and just like that she had the best solution to her problems right at the front of her mind. She crossed her fingers behind her back and with high hopes, she asked, "Father, do you know what the Duke looks like?"

Lord Sherborne's smile dropped a little as he put his brain to thought. "Well, I haven't seen him in a while but I can certainly recognize him if I see his face."

"Really?" Esther jumped in amazement. She didn't know if she was happy about this or sad, but amazed, for certain.

"Of course. He's a handsome man with dark blonde hair and shining blue eyes. From what I remember, he was always taller for his age, even during his boyhood."

"Father." Esther interrupted as her enthusiasm died. "When was the last time you saw the Duke?"

"When he was ten or twelve, I suppose. I met his father quite frequently through the years but the young Duke was usually very busy for me to get an opportunity to meet him. I might have stolen some momentary glances sometimes but I can certainly recognize him for he is surely the most handsome man in the room any day."

Esther's disappointment knew no bounds.

Perhaps, there wasn't really anyone who knew him by his face. The Duke wouldn't take such a risk, of course.

He was smarter than that, to Esther's sheer disappointment.

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