Chapter 22: Welcoming The Valentines

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Esther took hasty steps until she was well hidden behind a pillar with heavy curtains keeping her safe from the crowd's view. Her breath came fast and shaky as she tried to catch hold of herself.

She did not need to take another look. It was him, it was definitely him. Lord Greycoat, the fake Duke.

She would not mistake him in a crowd of thousands. That height, that complexion, and that pride posture. She could have told herself otherwise had she not clearly seen his face. But she saw it. That was him. Him, with Lady Richcomb and The real Duke. There was no mistaking it.

But the question arose, why did he lie to her?

When he was going to attend then why the facade?

He surely had made a point to have never lied to her before, as annoying as it would get.

Esther couldn't imagine a good reason for his betrayal.

Then again, perhaps he did not lie. Perhaps his travel got cancelled last minute or he had to return mid-way. Perhaps, he thought it was too late to send her an invite.

He would certainly have a good reason, Esther thought. But at the back of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder, what if he was lying all along? For surely, there was nothing she hated more than lies.

Her mind was still reeling through various pleasant and unpleasant possibilities when a sharp voice pulled her attention away.

"I hope I am not interfering anything."

Esther looked up to find a tall dark and handsome young man standing in his front with one of his two dark eyebrows raised in question. It was an unfamiliar face for Esther, like most in the gathering yet she was so engrossed in studying it that she almost missed his question.

The man truly was swoon-worthy. Skin, an olive Mediterranean complexion, contrasting most milky white ones in the gathering. He clearly had travelled a lot to have gained such a colour. His eyes were dark, and deep, extremely. A small but note-worthy scar ran down his left eyebrow towards his sharp cheekbone.

Clearly, he was a man of trouble.

"My Lady?" He said and Esther stopped studying his face to focus back on his words.

"Beg your pardon?"

"I asked if I am interfering anything with my uninvited presence."

"Oh, no. Absolutely not. Clearly, there isn't anything worth interrupting going on here." Esther replied and scoffed.

"So it seemed." He said as his eyes raked her from top to bottom. "The evening has to be extremely dull for a lady to be forced to hide behind the shadows away from the crowd."

Esther looked at him with curiosity as he pushed forward a conversation that clearly had no purpose nor benefit. He surely did not mean good.

Just what she needed for a diversion from the fake Duke's trouble.

And come to think of it, she had not played around with men, nor broken any hearts since the arrival of The Duke. Not that she enjoyed having men crying at her rejection at all. That however was a part of her life and since the fake duke, she was only all about him and his troubles.

The one thing she needed more than anything was a distraction. Even better when handsome.

"The evening has to be extremely dull for a man like you to have found a lady hiding in the shadows away from the crowd." She replied in just the inviting tone he had used.

The unnamed man chuckled densely and Esther rejoiced in the accomplishment of her words. "Well, to be honest, it was dull and I was certain I shall not be able to find anything to my liking, that until of course, I found you." He said and his eyes sparkled at his last word as if he truly meant them.

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