28- You can cry

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"Wait.. this is weird.."

Mia blinked twice in confusion, trying to process what was happening. "I clearly saw you playing so well, there is no way you would lose. Did you lose the game on purp-" Lorcan did not let Mia finish the sentence. He cut her words quickly. "So I have to obey you all day" 

He changed the topic obviously, making Mia fell into silence in realization. "You won" she spoke and sighed. Lorcan shook his head in disagreement. "No, you are the winner. I lost the game" he lied through his teeth. Mia stared at the man deeply.

"Thanks.." she said under her breath. Lorcan nodded with a stone face. "You! You have to obey me all day, Lorcan!" Mia shouted excitedly, causing people to look at her. But she did not care, she just walked out of the arcade with the man behind. There was a smile on her face.

She could do her plan now, Mia went into the car as Lorcan closed the car door. He walked towards the driver seat and went in. He started the engine, driving off to the place where the young woman wanted to go. The car was directing to KFC.

Not too long after, they arrived to the KFC. Mia and Lorcan stepped into the KFC, could not even care about people stares. The young woman quickly walked towards the counter and ordered three cups of fried chips and two crispy fried chicken burgers.

Lorcan furrowed his brows in confusion.

When they got back into the car, he could not help but wondered why the young woman bought too many. "Drive to the nearest mall, I still have things to buy" Mia's voice cut off Lorcan's thoughts. He nodded in understatement and drove towards the mall.

As they arrived to the mall, the young woman directly walked up to the escalator, not even hesitating. It looked like she already knew what to buy. Lorcan pushed the trolley cart as Mia put snacks and drinks into it without caring about money.

Like that they spent an hour in the mall. "We are going to Kia river park" Mia spoke as she leaned back on the headboard. Lorcan nodded in understatement, not questioning why the young woman bought many food. She even bought the picnic blanket and paper towels.

He quickly understood that she was going on a picnic with someone, maybe with her friend since she bought many food. Little did he know that Mia was doing those for him. "Lorcan, can you please carry these pizza boxes? I will bring the blanket" Mia asked for help as the man assisted.

They two were standing beside the river. The young woman quickly took out the blanket from the car and walked towards the best place. She placed the white water proof blanket on the fresh grass. "You can put them down now!"

They two placed the food on the blanket in a minute. "Why the heck are you standing there like a statue?" Mia frowned at the sight of Lorcan standing beside the white blanket, staring at her blankly. "Because I am supposed to" "W-what the f- sit down! Come here!"

She patted the place in front of her, calling the man to sit across of her. "But you are waiting your friend, aren't you?" The question from the man made Mia rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What are you talking about?! All of these are for you! I am trying to make you feel better!"

Mia shouted.

Lorcan blinked twice in disbelief.

He stared at the young woman for a moment. She prepared everything just for him, she did those to make him feel better since he lost his mother. As if she could understand his pain. He was trying his best to hold himself back from mental breakdown.

Now this young woman made him feel better. He was overjoyed to learn that everything she did was for him. He was having a hard time to hold back his tears, he did not cry when his mother died because he was afraid that he could not stop crying if he started.

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