62- Memories from past lives

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"D... Dean..."

Roman's eyes began to shudder over the sight of the man getting shot in the chest. His brother was shot, shot by the bodyguard of the young woman. "DEAN!" Although Roman knew his brother was at fault, he could not help feeling sorrowful to see Dean in agony.

"Stop! Don't shoot!" Yelling out loud, Roman rushed up to catch the man's body which was falling slowly. "Dean... you should have laid back... you are such a fool..." A mutter escaped between Roman's lips. The desperate sob echoed in the neighborhood.

At the same time, polices dashed forward to capture the culprit. After all, Lorcan only aimed to cease Dean from hurting the young woman, and not to kill in an instant. "Mia, are you listening to me?!" When the young woman remained in silence, Bailey started panicking.

Why wouldn't her friend speak a word? Was she in pain? Furrowing brows, Bailey's shaking eyes shifted down. Only to encounter the scene of the wound on stomach. "Oh my lord! You are hurt!" Her shout attracted Lorcan's attention fully. He knelt down quickly after approaching.


He scowled.

"Dean must have pressed the knife into her skin deeply when he was putting his fury out on her" Bailey stated her thought through gritted teeth as Lorcan grasped Mia's wrist. Forcing her to face him. Now, their eyes met. One had a pair of eyes that indicated disbelief. 

The other's eyes showed concern. It was too much for the young woman to process at the moment so that she could not find a word to say out loud. She just peered at the man across her. "Mia... why did you stay still when he was attempting to kill you?"

A query came. Perplexing Bailey on the other side. Why was this man talking instead of calling out for doctor? "I will go summon the doctor or give emergency call. Keep an eye on her" In impatience, Bailey jumped up promptly. Lorcan seemed to be worried badly.

Not to mention her friend being in daze. In this case, she had to neglect the wound on her head to save her friend. With that mindset, Bailey headed away. "You make me concern always, Mia Clark" A soft murmur from the man brought the young woman back.

It was true that she was diving into the ocean of thoughts. But the name the man called, it dragged her out of the ocean. Mia's eyes widened as tears swelled up within. Mia Clark, the name she almost forgot due to the fact that she was getting used to this world.

Howbeit, he reminded her once again.

Clasping her real soul firmly; Mia Clark.

"H... How do you know my name?" The young woman's voice commenced to quiver. She held horrified gaze. No way. Had everyone found out about her truth? Did that mean the world had come to end? Was she going to get kicked out? List of concern wandered in the head.

But Lorcan's thumb caressed her cheek as he cupped her face. "How long has it been since I got in car accident so that you can't recognize me?" A smile slowly took place upon the man's face. It was when Mia gasped. Car accident. There was only conclusion on her mind.


"Y... You are... Henry?" Shock ran through the young woman. "I am glad you recall" With a relieved grin, Lorcan patted Mia's head. "How... How did you? This is so confusing. What is happening?" Due to surprise, Mia's brain failed to function all at once. It only tickled the man though.

"LORCAN! THE AMBULANCE IS HERE! BRING MIA! SHE NEEDS TO BE TAKEN  CARE OF!" At the same time, Bailey yelped out loud to interrupt. Capturing the two attention. Lorcan returned a nod as response. He then peered down at the young woman. Her eyes gleamed.

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