43. And They Were Roommates

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Content warning: the f-slur is used at the end of this chapter. Continue at your own discretion

The ride to Buffalo was all but exciting. Between the extreme exhaustion and the bus driver hitting every curb, pot hole, and narrowly missing every car in sight, it was not a pleasurable experience.

A few rows behind us, some of the boys were engaged in a mostly quiet game of Uno, except for when Boxy got hit with four draw fours or when Harry pulled a "switch hands" card on Yusef when Yusef only had one card and Harry, according to Yusef's angry yell, had "like two-hundred fucking cards". Across from us, Ian was on FaceTime with Lelani as he had been since she'd dropped him off for the trip. However, she'd fallen asleep nearly half an hour ago, her bright purple bonnet reflecting her phone's light in her otherwise dark room. Ian had followed suit about ten minutes ago and his light snores filled the air. Poor Zayne, who was sitting at the front of the bus with Coach, was severely motion sick, so every time the driver hit something, there was a fifty-fifty chance that Zayne would throw up or nearly pass out. He'd done both multiple times already and I felt sorry for the guy.

I was about to shift to get more comfortable when the bus driver hit yet another deep sounding pot hole. "Damn," I lowly cursed, causing Tyler to gently run his fingers through my hair.

"You okay?" he absent-mindedly asked from above me.

"No," I childishly pouted as I readjusted my head in his lap. The charter bus rows were 3 seats and since our team wasn't that big, we were all able to spread out how we wanted. So naturally Ty and I took one of the very back rows and I stretched out across two chairs, using Tyler's lap in the third one as my pillow as he reclined back. He scoffed as he pulled out a headphone that was plugged into the mini tv that protruded from the wall. "Remember The Titans" was playing and I could tell that my childish antics were getting slightly annoying, especially because it was one of his favorite movies.

"Addi..." But trailed, silently asking me not to do what he knew I was going to do. But it was no use. When the driver hit the first curb and-or pot hole (I didn't know which one), Tyler accidentally hit me in the face and, being the drama queen I was, I made the whole ordeal way more dramatic than it needed to be, resulting in Tyler getting overly concerned and kissing me until "the pain went away". Spoiler alert: there was no pain and I was just being needy. Ever since then, I'd been making Tyler give me a kiss for every bump we hit in the road in order to "soothe my pain".

I used my pointer finger to tap on my lips. He rolled his eyes, though a small grin tugged on his lips before he craned his head down and kissed me. It was nothing more than a quick peck but it was enough to satisfy me. "There. Now leave me alone," he said with faux annoyance as he plugged his earbud in once more. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. He pretended to hate it but I knew he didn't.

The rest of the trip was super boring as I cycled through laying on Tyler, reading a book I'd brought, and working on a story for class before I inevitably just laid on Tyler again. There was, however, a nice stretch of time where by some miracle, our bus driver didn't hit anything. By that time, I'd been laying in my chair in the reclined position with Tyler nestled against me rather than me laying on him. In that brief stretch of time, we both managed to fall asleep only to be awoken by one big jolt as the bus driver literally ran into the curb in front of the hotel lobby.

After a few disorienting moments, I remembered where I was and looked down at Tyler who was still somehow fast asleep.

"Alright, ladies. Hurry up and get your stuff. I don't think we'll survive another minute on this thing," Coach said, grumbling the last part under his breath. He didn't have to tell us twice.

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