3. Secret Relationships

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"Addy, I swear if you don't hurry up, I will literally break down the door and drag you out. Naked and everything," Azalea threatened from outside of the bathroom door while I let the warm water run itself through my hair one final time.

"Okay, okay, relax," I called out as I killed the water and pushed open the curtain and grabbed my towel. I quickly dried myself off before I secured the towel around my waist.

"I'd be surprised if there was any hot water left," Azalea mumbled as I walked passed her. She had a heated glare pointed at me but I couldn't take her seriously with her rubber-duck-covered shower cap. I just gave her a sweet smile causing her to flip me off which I lovingly returned without hesitation.

I walked passed my Adryan and Emerson's rooms, both a mess as usual, but luckily they were already downstairs eating breakfast and not running around like crackheads searching for their next fix, a rare but welcomed occurrence. I loved them, but they were a handful. I walked into my room, making sure to fully shut and lock the door behind me, not wanting another situation that Azalea affectionately named the "dick disaster". Long story short, unlocked door plus little sister plus dropping the towel equals trauma for all parties involved.

I walked to my dresser and started slowly dressing myself. As I openned and closed various drawers, the pictures that lined the top of the wooden structure shook. I had plenty of me an Kyra including my personal favorite of us kissing in Times Square on Christmas Eve. The way the snow fell and the passerby's that walked by us that didn't seem too pleased that we'd decided to make a walkway our photo setting made it all feel so magical. I also had a great deal of football pictures including team pictures and action shots. I even had some pictures of me and my best friend Ian when we were in elementary school, giving the camera big toothless grins. But my favorite favorite- other than the one of me and Kyra- was a picture of me when I was about five. I was wearing a helmet with a faux mohawk- that would barely fit over my big toe now- and some knee and elbow pads that didn't seem to do too good of a job considering that my knee was bleeding and fat tears were rolling down my cheeks. But what made it better was the fact that my Papa was sitting on the ground next to me, tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried consoling me. Padre told me that Papa had been so scared that he'd begun crying alongside me even after they knew I was okay. He'd held me tight and didn't let go for a solid five minutes.

After rummage around for a bit, I threw on some boxers, shorts and a hoodie before I slid on some socks and shoes as well. I grabbed my backpack and my phone before I flipped off the lights and opened the door just as I got a fist to the face. "Ow, what the actual h-" I started as I cupped my cheek as a dull pain moved through me, though it wasn't enough to actually hurt.

I heard the familiar laugh of Azzy and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Sorry, but that was hilarious," she laughed. She was dressed eerily similar to me wearing a dark hoodie, leggings instead of shorts (which I've worn before- don't ask why- and they were surprising comfortable), and a pair of white sneakers that matched mine. Her curly, coarse hair was hidden beneath a head wrap, though a few curly strands peaked out from the front. And her edges were swirling in neat, intricate patterns that I still couldn't fathom how she managed to do.

I shoved her, causing her to laugh as her attention returned to her phone in hand, which I highly suspected was why she'd decked me in the face. "Hey, stop," she laughed. "We only have ten minutes before we have to head out and I'm for sho' not gonna let you make me late to school."

I rolled my eyes and followed her down stairs which was unusually quiet. Luckily, when I walked down, Adryan and Emerson were sitting at the table staring at the obnoxious cartoons while Papa was laying with his head on Padre's lap and Padre was whispering something that made Papa smile like an idiot. Something I knew I didn't want to know. But I had to respect that despite them being in their forties, they were still as lovestruck as teenagers. Padre leaned down and kissed Papa, causing both of them to chuckle and as they pulled away Papa's "special tattoo" on the inside of his lip peeped out. The ink was faded but...

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