Chapter Two

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"Eve." Someone lightly shook me. "Time to get up." I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom standing over my bed. "Ryan's here. He's waiting for you," she informed me. I nodded and she walked out. I carefully got out of bed, making sure that I didn't wake up Matthew. He stirred, but didn't awaken. I watched him for a moment. Despite our 13 year age difference, Matthew was still my best friend. He can get annoying- like any other five year old. But I know Matthew loves me and looks up to me.

I sighed and got dressed for the day. I walked to the kitchen in light grey sweats, a white crop-top, and my white converse. Ryan was sitting at the table with my parents. All three heads snapped up to me when I walked inside the room. I dragged my bags to the wall and sat at the table. "Are you ready?" Mom asked. I honestly have no idea.

I was ready to leave. But am I ready to meet my mate? The one person who loves me forever. My other half. Someone who was literally made for me. I want to meet him. But does he want to meet me? These insecurities need to leave me alone. 

'Of course he wants to meet us! He's our mate!' Ingrid, my wolf, shouted at me. I blocked her out, so I wouldn't be able to hear her voice. Although we are part of one person, our human forms and our wolves are separate beings. Our human forms are the more dominant side. Our wolves just linger in the back of our minds.

I nodded at my mother. "As ready as I'll ever be." I gave her a small smile, which she returned. Ryan and my parents slowly stood up. My mom walked over to me and engulfed me in a bear-hug.

"Be careful. Call us when you get to the first pack," Mom whispered in my ears. I nodded and she pulled away. "Good luck," she said with a small smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist one last time, and she kissed my head.

"Honey, she'll be back soon. A few months top," Dad said. Mom nodded and let go of me. I quickly turned to my father and buried my face in his chest while he hugged me. "Stay with Ryan at all times. Never go anywhere alone." I nodded in his chest and he pulled away. "I love you, Princess." He kissed my forehead. Water prickled at the corner of my eyes and I tried to blink them away.

"Love you too, Dad," I said and grabbed my bags so they couldn't see my tears. I haven't been away from my parents for more than a few days. They have always been constants in my life. My mom cooked for Matthew and I. My father protected us. They love us with all of their hearts. I turned to Ryan who was patiently waiting for me.

Dad walked up to Ryan and they firmly shook hands. "Take care of my daughter. I don't care that you're my best friend. I will hunt you down and rip off your head with my teeth if anything happens to her," Dad threatened. Ryan confidently nodded. I was also confident in him. I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me. "Have fun," Dad said with a smile on his face. My father changed emotions very quickly. 

I hugged both my parents one last time and walked out with Ryan. "We are gonna be staying with each pack for a few days," Ryan informed me as we slid into the car. I nodded and rested my head on the window.

I tried to go to sleep, but my mind wouldn't let me. I kept thinking about my mate. What he looks like. How old is he? What rank is he? What's his favorite color? What's his favorite movie? I sighed and gave up on sleep.

"We still have another hour until we get to the pack lines," Ryan told me.

I shifted in my seat so I was sitting crisscross in the chair. "What pack is first?" I asked. Ryan grabbed a piece of paper from the center console, and handed it to me. It was filled with dates, names, and packs. "Midnight Howlers," I read the first name.

Ryan nodded. "We have to go to a meeting with them when we arrive." I looked at him confused and curious.

"We?" I asked. Ryan just nodded. "Why am I going to be there?" I questioned. A meeting sounds boring. Exploring and finding my mate sounds much better. I knew that I would have to hold these meeting eventually, once I'm Queen. However, I couldn't stop myself from wanting to put my mate before that. It was a dream come true to finally meet your mate. I couldn't stop myself from avoiding losing more time with him.

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