Chapter Thirty-Four

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'You need to get here now!' Brian demanded through the mind-link.

I pushed my legs to move faster. I've just started running. This morning, Brian told me that I was needed at the pack. According to him, some people have started problems.

I told Eve that I would be back as soon as I could; not that she would miss me. She's been too busy with her Queen duties, as the only royal, she took over all the work.

I got to the pack house five minutes later, I heard two women and one man shouting. I recognized the voices as Brian, Peyton, and Wendy. Peyton is Brian's mate, she rarely at the pack house, since her and Brian have a place together.

I pulled on a pair of basketball shorts, then opened the door. The voices got louder, making me wince from all the noise.

"I will not follow orders from some slut!" Peyton shouted. I walked into the kitchen, where World War III was about to break out. Brian was between Peyton and Wendy, both girls were half shifted. Their claws and canines were out as they snapped at each other.

"I demand respect! I'm Luna!" Wendy screeched. Why did I ever like her? Her voice is so squeaky. Eve's voice is so soft, like she's singing a lullaby.

Both girls growled and got ready to pounce at each other. I rolled my eyes as I stepped further into the kitchen. No one noticed my arrival because they continued to shout insults at each other.

"Enough!" I growled in my Alpha voice. They couldn't control the way their wolves shifted back into full human form. The girls glared at each other over Brian's shoulders. "I said enough!" I shouted. Peyton whimpered and bowed her head. Wendy smirked and sauntered over to me, just like last time.

Before she even had the chance to touch me, I moved away. I'm not screwing anything up this time. I love Eve, and I won't let anything change how we feel about each other.

Wendy pouted. "Baby, I missed you so much," she said.

I sighed. "We're over, Wendy. I told you, I found my mate."

"But I had you first!" she whined like a child.

'Can you duct tape her mouth?' Gavin asked.

"Actually, she had me first. We were made for each other," I stated. "From the moment she was born, I was hers and she was mine."

Brian and Peyton awkwardly moved away from us. 'Don't leave me alone with that,' I begged Brian through the mind-link.

'I've been alone with that for almost two months. Your turn,' he replied before they disappeared. Some best friend he is.

"You're mine!" Wendy shrieked. "I've been with you all these years. That bitch, you call a mate, won't even leave what sorry pack she has to come over here. You've been leaving this pack Alpha-less. I had to step up as Luna," she said, sounding proud of herself.

I forgot that she doesn't know who my mate is. Only the men in my pack know, since they fought Jacobs to bring Eve back. I asked- well, I demanded that they keep it secret, to protect her.

"Shut up," I snapped. "I am not yours. You. Are. Not. Luna. My mate is Luna, and don't you dare insult her or her pack ever again," I said through gritted teeth. I pushed Gavin to the back of my mind. Wendy just insulted our mate, he wants blood.

Wendy clenched her fists at her sides. "She doesn't even care enough to have a Luna ceremony!"

I growled at her, but she didn't back down. "None of this involves you. This is between me and my mate. You're just a pack member, so I suggest you stop whining; before I kick you out my pack."

"Your pack?" she asked with a humorless chuckle. "You have been gone for almost two months. We have no Luna or Alpha. This is barely even a pack."

"You're crossing a line," I warned her with a growl.

"What are you gonna do about it?" she challenged.

I growled one last time, but she held her ground. Gavin pushed through and growled at her. "I, Alpha Asher Reed- future King of the werewolves- banish Wendy Keeler from the Blue Moon Pack," Gavin slowly returned to the back of my mind. Whoa. Future King of the werewolves? Where did that even come from?

Wendy screamed and fell to the floor. I watched wide-eyed as a branding appeared on her shoulder. A broken chain. The image was seared onto her skin. She let out another ear-splitting scream, causing everyone in the pack house to come into the kitchen, including Peyton and Brian.

"What did you do to me?" she choked out. The pack members behind her gasped and stared at her shoulder. The must have saw the brand.

"That's a Royal Mark," Dr. Nale whispered.

I walked away from Wendy and closer to Dr. Nale. "A what?" I asked.

"A Royal Mark," he stated while examining Wendy's shoulder. The pack watched in silence while Wendy continued to cry. "I haven't seen one in years," he stated, sounding intrigued.

I looked closer, the word 'traitor' was between the broken chain. "What does it mean?" I questioned.

"Its a permanent mark. Not like a mating mark. This mark tells others that she's a traitor. Its kind of like a warning. Only Royals can give it out to those who betray them," Dr. Nale explained.

Everyone looked at Wendy in disgust. Tears poured down her cheeks as she ran out the back door and shifted. No one stopped her, she's a rogue. The room became dead silent.

A female pack member stepped forward after several moments. "Alpha, a royal was on our territory?" she asked.

I turned around to face my pack. "For those of you who don't know, I have found my true mate." I held my hand up, stopping people from cheering. Packs really like to cheer when something happens with their Alpha, Luna, Betas, mates, or anyone in ranks. "When we met, Eve was the Princess. Recently, she has been crowned as the Queen of the Werewolves. So that makes me the future King," I announced.

"So what does this mean for us? For the pack?" someone asked.

I took a deep breath before answering. "I will eventually take my place as King; but I am not leaving the pack. I haven't figured everything out. I just know that I will find a way to have a pack while ruling the kingdom," I explained.

More questions were being shouted. "Quiet!" I demanded. "One question at a time please," I stated calmly. I felt like I was teaching a class of third graders.

I pointed at a someone with their hand up. "Is the Queen here?" he asked.

I shook my head. "She had duties to take care of."

"Will she become Luna?"

"That is up to Eve," I answered. I can't tell them that she'll be Luna, when I'm not sure she will be. Its not my decision to make.

"When will we meet the Queen?"

I smiled at the woman's excited face. "As soon as possible," I promised before calling on another person.


There is a Spin-Off of Wendy! It is on my profile, or you can go to the part titled 'Spin-Off', and click on the external link.

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