Holy Infant Batman

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SaulyCermeno: another would be where Dick is adopted at a very young age like a year or two and calls Batman Daddy, his first word is Daddy Bruce.

Super adorable, not very Daddybats-y until the end. Warning: I'm somewhat altering Dick's back story in this one, but If you decided to stay and read, I hope ya like it!

FYI: Credits to me for the picture, I made it with cardboard, paint, and a gel pen in my art class. There are different layers and it's hard to tell in the picture I took, but the piece is slightly 3D. I just really love making cityscapes, especially Gotham itself. I'm the artistic one in the family (Unlike you Kit-Kat-a-rang). Sorry about that, now you can enjoy.

Long ago, on a typical gloomy Gotham night, the circus came to town. The first mistake that circus made was stopping in Gotham City, the most crime ridden and corrupt city a person could name. Mistake number two was refusing to pay 'protection' money to a known mob boss named Tony Zucco. Mistake number three: letting the only family members of a small one year old go up to perform a dangerous act without the safety of a net. So many mistakes, but none as awful as the next.

Ringmaster Haly of Haly's international traveling circus stood in the middle of the large circus tent welcoming the special guest, Bruce Wayne. He told the captivated listeners of a family of trapeze artists who's youngest member turned one that very night. Haly welcomed the Flying Graysons, those old enough to perform, and told the audience of the death-defying act everyone would soon witness. Sadly he was wrong, the act would not be very death-defying seeing as Tony Zucco sabotaged the trapeze. The Graysons went up, they flew, but then SNAP they fell to the ground with a sickening sound. The whole tent was silent apart from one, cold laugh.

Down below the trapeze was the man behind it all, laughing at the bloodied bodies laying before him, holding the infant who knew not of how the events of that night would change his life forever. Everyone was focused on him holding the child who had woken up and began to cry, they didn't even notice the billionaire playboy, Gotham's White Knight, slipping out of the stands.

"Welcome to the show everybody! The name's Billy Marin, and I'd like to introduce you to my friend, the last Flying Grayson." He said in a voice to mock the ringmaster's. He held up the small Richard Grayson, who everyone in the circus called Dick, and pulled out a knife. "It isn't fair to make him deal with all that orphanage stuff, so I think I'll let him join his parents."

"Not today you won't" Batman swooped in with one of his grappling hooks, and he scooped Dick right out of the arm's of the murderer. A flash of fear was seen in Zucco's eyes as he ran away, but before the bat could go after him, Haly and half of the circus were running up to check on the baby.

"Thank you so much Batman, we've heard of you before, but we honestly couldn't thank you enough for what you've done to help." Haly was holding Dick in his arms, the baby reaching out to feel Batman's costume again, and the vigilante frowned.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe he will be safe here, that man was Tony Zucco, using one of his many aliases, Billy Marin. Zucco will come after this boy and when he does...it won't be very pretty. I suggest you give the boy to Commissioner Gordon, who should be here soon. He will find a safe place for him." Haly just looked down at the blue eyed wonder and nodded sadly.

When the Commissioner arrived, Bruce Wayne went up to him asking about what would happen to the orphan, and when the policeman didn't know, Bruce suggested something he'd never regret, letting the boy into his own home. And a bit of paperwork later, Dick was his very own ward.

For the first few months, Alfred was the one to care for Dick while Bruce was busy elsewhere looking for the man who murdered the Flying Graysons. It wasn't until Batman finally found the man and put him behind bars that the young ward started to get to know his new father figure.

That night, when Bruce had finally taken down Zucco, he was heading to his bedroom when he heard crying. The baby was sitting in a crib a few doors down from Bruce's, covered in tears. Bruce didn't know what to do, but Alfred was nowhere to be found and he walked in to pick up the boy.

"There there, it's OK" He gently bounced and rocked the infant but it was no use. "Come on Dick, everything is OK. I'm here for you. My name is Bruce, I'm going to be like your new daddy."

"D-da-da-daddy?" The small infant was finally calmed down and was looking up into the eyes of the Bruce Wayne.

"Yeah, I'm your Daddy Bruce" Dick was practically beaming.

"Da-daddy Buce?" Bruce couldn't hold back his smile now and just pulled the child even closer to his chest.

Little did he know, Alfred had been teaching Dick those very two words for quite some time and now, watching hidden in the doorway, the beloved butler smiled for the two boys he had come to think of as his own children.

Super short, I know, but I wanted to finish it before tomorrow. I'll be turning my school laptop in tomorrow and it's gonna be awhile before I'm able to write anything again. I have the app on my phone, but screen time won't let me in the app for more than 6 minutes a day! My sister already returned her laptop, but my parents got us both Mac Books, and no offence to anyone who uses one but I ABSOLUTELY HATED IT SO MUCH TO THE POINT WHERE I WAS CRYING. Not one of my best moments. My mom knows that me and my twin write, of course we tried to keep it a secret but she was kind of spying on me, and wants to get me a new laptop, but my dad says that I don't have school, and don't need a laptop. According to him, we need to start saving up now, or we can just wait till school starts :(

This is not just me trying to lengthen the chapter with my author's note. I just want you all to know that depending on my luck, which is great at letting me down, I might not update all summer long. But also know that I'm going to try every trick in the book until I'm able to update again.

Well, thanks for reading, I hope your day is filled with Pure Wonderment!

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