Holy Prompts Batman

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I've really enjoyed naming my chapters with Holy blank Batman sayings that I come up with, but I also had an Idea.

People can give me suggestions of any sort, at any time, but I've decided to make it even easier. 

I have never seen the live action Batman show with Batman, Robin, and Batgirl, but I did learn that there is a whole list of the sayings from that show at


No, there isn't supposed to be an 'n' at the end of the link.

I thought that if I published this list, a suggestion could be formatted differently.

You could choose one or multiple of the following sayings, listed by the numbers they're given of course, and leave it at that, or you could choose and add a bit of a story idea. Even if you just wanted to pick a saying and list the characters you want involved, that's fine as long as I can include bruce and at least one of his children.

Again, I've never watched the show and will be taking these sayings completely out of context to give them my own context. This is just a suggestion, I still take any suggestion forms outlined in chapter one, but I thought this could be interesting :)

And for maximum enjoyment for yourself and anyone within hearing range, you should read this list out loud!

Here's the list from worst to best:

359. Holy Holocaust

358. Holy Banks

357. Holy Catastrophe

356. Holy Hurricane

355. Holy Bikini

354. Holy Transistors

353. Holy Zorro

352. Holy Standstills

351. Holy Vat

350. Holy Madness

349. Holy Living End

348. Holy Weaponry

347. Holy Sky Rocket

346. Holy Roert Louis Stevenson

345. Holy Hot Foot

344. Holy Puzzlers

343. Holy Split Seconds

342. Holy Rudder

341. Holy Trickery

340. Holy Taxidermy

339. Holy Crossfire

338. Holy Venezuela

337. Holy Smokes

336. Holy Alps

335. Holy Cats

334. Holy Paderewski

333. Holy Harem

332. Holy Steam Valve

331. Holy Rock Garden

330. Holy Red Snapper

329. Holy Key Ring

328. Holy Lodestone

327. Holy Homecoming

326. Holy Looking Glass

325. Holy Blizzard

324. Holy Rainbow

323. Holy Serpentine

322. Holy Gunpowder

321. Holy Vertebrae

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