Chapter 28

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I woke the next morning to a slamming sound. I didn't register what it was until I heard Sam yelling "Alpha? Luna?" as he wandered through the house.

Before I could stop him, he meandered into the den where Liam and I were still wrapped around each other.


Juuuuuust great.

Liam woke with a start and realized what was happening just in time to pull the blanket over me, but wasn't able to shield his lower half. Sam's eyes widened before he smacked his hand over his face and tried to back out of the room, only to run into the wall.

"Ah! Oh God my eyes! They're burning!"

"Get out of here, Sam!" I yell as he waves the hand not covering his eyes frantically looking for the doorway. He finds it and slips into the kitchen while I try to climb out of Liam's embrace. He holds me tighter, not allowing me to move and nuzzles his face into my neck, breathing deeply.

"What are you doing here, Sam?" He asks much calmer than I was expecting.

"I always come over Saturday mornings for breakfast. Were you so hung over on sex that you forgot what day of the week it is?!" He screeches with irritation. Liam only chuckles and kisses along my jaw and cheek as his hand wanders to my breast. I bite my lip to keep from moaning as he grins at me.

"Come back in an hour and I'll make you French toast!" I scream at him.

"With the caramelized bananas?" He asks.

"Ugh! Fine! Just go!" I say as Liam's hand cups my sex and carasses my wetness. I can't stop the moan this time and Sam makes fake gagging noises on his way towards the door.

"Better make it two hours, Sammy boy!" Liam calls.

"I hope you burn that couch after this!" Sam screams right before the front door slams.

Liam chuckles and leans down to kiss me again.

"Burn it? This is officially my favorite couch in the history of couches."

After another exciting round on the couch, Liam insisted we shower together. I thought it was a little strange, but remembered something in a book I read in the library that said mates bathing each other is a way to show affection, so I was curious what he would do.

It was amazing to me how quickly I was comfortable being naked around Liam. I had none of the normal insecurities a woman has around a man, knowing that I was made exactly for him.

As steam began to fill the large bathroom, I felt Liam's presence behind me. I could already tell that the intimacy we shared strengthened our bond tenfold. I didn't need to be away from him to know that I would be able to sense him from much further away, and the bond within me feels stronger. It's hum is louder and I can nearly see it burning bright within me, connecting me with an invisible beam of light to Liam.

Liam wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my back to his front, sweeping my hair to one side as he kisses my neck.

"Let me take care of you." He murmurs in my ear. I nod and take his hand as he pulls me into the shower. He tilts my head back to wet my hair and uses his shampoo to massage into my scalp.

"I love when you smell like me." He says with a smug grin as he helps me rinse my hair. I give him a warm smile and wash his hair as well. I spend extra time massaging his scalp and his chest rumbles in approval.

"Your hands are like magic." He says as he leans into my touch.

"After last night I'm pretty sure it's your hands that are magical." I say with a bright smile as he laughs a full belly laugh and leans forward to kiss me.

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