Chapter 47

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I was so frustrated with Liam I couldn’t even look at him for the rest of the day. Sure, the safety of the pack was his responsibility, but the well being of the women and children were mine. And the way he had dismissed my very real concerns so callously had me seething. So much so I hadn’t spoken to him since I left my office.

We were sitting in the kitchen, me eating the delicious dinner I made and him eating a sandwich because I refused to cook for his stubborn ass, when he finally cracked.

“Please, sweetheart? Just talk to me. I can’t stand the silent treatment.”

“Why would I bother speaking if you’re not going to listen to me anyway?” He sighs and lifts me off my seat onto his lap.

He lowers his head into my neck and breathes deeply, leaving little kisses up to my jaw.

“You’re right.” My body freezes as I pull away to look at him.

“What?” I ask. He smiles a little at the shocked expression on my face.

“You’re right. I should have sent her to the hospital. I could have gotten fighters to keep an eye on her. Cuffed her to the bed. I was blinded by the rage at what she did, attempting to kill you. While I was in the next fucking room. God, the audacity. Our own Beta Female. I was hurt, betrayed and fucking pissed off. A little of that anger rolled onto Sam. I know it wasn’t his fault, I know he never would have allowed her to do that if he had known. But a part of me was mad at him that he didn’t control his mate. So I ordered him to put her in a cell. The fact that he agreed made me feel like shit. Of course our ever loyal beta agreed with putting his own damn mate in a cell to keep you safe. I’m an asshole. And I’m sorry.” I stare at him wide eyed, mouth gaping like a fish.

“Wow, gorgeous green eyes, amazing body, dick so big I come till I pass out and you can apologize like a poet? I’d say you’re a keeper, Alpha Caulfield.” I respond cheekily before leaning in to kiss him.

He captures my lips, parting them with his tongue and sucking my bottom lip into his mouth like a man who thought he’d never get to taste it again.

“I forgive you, but you need to apologize to Sam.” He nods and mind links Sam to come over.

“That’s weird, his block is up.” I furrow my brows in confusion and can’t stop the concern growing in my gut.

Sam has never put his block up. Not for a single moment.

“Shit.” Liam mutters.

“What?” I ask.

“The guard at the dungeon needs us there. Now.”

“Why? What’s going on?” A feeling of dread takes root in me and my heart flutters nervously.

“I don’t know, he just asked us to come. Both of us.”

We shift and run as quickly as we can to the large compound that houses our cells. I’ve only ever been here once, when Liam gave me a tour. We rarely had people to hold here. The few rogues we captured while Kane was setting us up for attack, but those wolves hadn’t survived long after we got what we needed out of them.

Liam and I enter the building and my nose is instantly assaulted by the unwelcome, but familiar scent of blood.

“Was anyone but Chloe being held here?” I ask Liam, gripping his arm. His voice is low and face hard as he looks down the hall.

“No.” He must have come to the same conclusion as me.

“Alpha.” One of the guards says as we walk up to the last cell.

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