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"I am here to meet Farhaad Alam."

"Your name Ma'am?" The receptionist asked her.

"Ilana. Tell him Ilana came he knows me."

"Okay. Wait a minute." Saying she dialled a number on her telephone. After a while she turned to her. "You can go Ma'am. Go straight from here and take left there you will se elevator. Go to the fourteenth floor you will see the CEO's cabin."

Nodding her head she stepped towards elevator. She was angry. No, she was furious. Banging his door open she entered inside without knocking.

Two heads snapped towards her making her immediately embarrassed as she muttered a sorry and looked down.

"Its okay. You can come inside, please take a seat their." He gestured towards the sofa kept near window. "Give me ten minutes." He smiled apologetically to which she ignored like a queen and sat their totally ignoring him, im short indicating him that she was angry at him.

It was after half an hour when he was done and now she was close to drift off.

"I am sorry. It was important otherwise I would have dismissed him the moment you stepped inside my office like you own it." He teased her making her furious.

"How dare you?" Ilana stood up before he could reach her.

"Sorry? What?" He asked baffled.

"Why did you shift me here?" She asked narrowing her eyes at him.

"Ohh that...because I want my wife near me all the time. And what's the problem? Hussain and I are partners."

"But I don't want you to hire me because I am your wife. Hussain bhai hired me because of my qualification not because I am his sister." She asked frustrated.

"And I also won't have hired you if you wasn't that qualified even if you are my wife. How can you think like that?" His voice raised an octave.

"You should have discussed it with me before taking this decision." She mumbled looking down.

"That means I can't take decisions on your behalf? Or you don't want to work with me?" Farhaad was getting furious second by second.

"It is not like that okay?" Rubbing her face with her hands she sat down.

"But it seem like that to me Ilana." She looked at him hurt. She was now used to hear Lana from him. 

"It is not like that it is just...I…" tears leaked out of her eyes but she wiped it away harshly.

"What happened Lana? Please look at me." He clutched her hands and moved it away from her face, wiping her tears.

"I...I…" she just bursted in more tears. Farhaad couldn't do anything but hugged her tightly. Whispering sweet nothings to her.

"Hey! Shh calm down. Its okay. Hmm? I am here. I am here. Okay? Shh calm down sweetheart." He moved away when he calmed down a little and made her drink water.

"Now tell me what happened?" He asked when she finally calmed down and was rubbing invisible circles on glass.

"I am scared." She whispered only for him to hear. "I don't know. I am just...it is happening so fast that...I can't even comprehend what is happening around me."

"Lana look at me." Taking away the glass from her hands he gripped her smaller ones in his bigger hands. "If you want we can delay the wedding okay? I don't want to burden you darling. I know and I understand that it is happening too fast. Don't worry I will talk to our parents."

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