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I  always thought that high school was going to be the best part of my life, but I was wrong

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I always thought that high school was going to be the best part of my life, but I was wrong.

I was wrong because I thought that high school was about making friends and having new experiences. For me it's really hard to make friends, because I'm not the type of person that goes to someone and ask them to be friends, I have to wait until they come and talk to me and then we see how it goes.

People see me and they don't think that I'm lonely because they probably see me with a "friend group". But everyone knows the difference between having friends and having colleagues.

A friend is someone that you can count on, someone that texts you and asks if you're okay, someone that will be there for you.

A colleague is someone that is just there, they may say that we are friends, but when you need them they're not there to ask if you're okay or not.

To be honest I think that I'm the problem because I'm a really closed person, I don't talk about my feelings, I just put a "smile" on my face and that's it.

And that's really bad because how will they know if your sad or not if you always have a smile on your face ?. But during these days I learned that real friends will always know if you're okay or not.

I see myself as a lonely person, as I said before I have colleagues not friends and that really messes with my mental health, because I don't have someone to count on. But I learned how to live alone, and to be honest I prefer to be alone than to be with people that don't want me around.

So here I'm, graduating high school alone, all my so called friends are on the corner taking pictures and saying how much they will miss each other other, students are receiving hugs from their families, and here I'm just watching people be happy, with a sad smile on my face.

I don't know which part is worst, if is the fact that my parents forgot about my graduation or when Just one person clapped when I got my diploma.

But that's okay because I'm proud of myself.

I'm cut off from my thoughts as Rebecca comes and hugs me. "We did it, Liliana we're officially college students !!" she says happily.

Rebecca is someone that is going from being my colleague to being my friend, she is the only one that asks if I'm okay or not, but when she hangs out with the other students I think that she just completely forgets about me, but it's okay I'm not the only one that needs attention.

I laugh and hug her back, "Yeah, we did it!" I said, Rebecca has the face and the body that every girl on high school wants, she is really tall about 5'8 and has long blond hair with green eyes, she is beautiful.

"So what are you doing this summer?" Rebecca says as she takes a step back and look down at me. It's embarrassing for me being a senior on high school, going to college and being 5'2., but to be fair I'm almost 5'3 ft I just have to grow a little bit.

" I don't know I'm probably going to watch Netflix my whole summer, and -" I'm interrupted as someone calls Rebecca's name, we look behind her and see her friends calling her to take pictures.

" I'm sorry Lili but I have to go, but text me okay" she says, as she looks back at me and gives me a quick hug, and runs to her friends.

I sigh and turn around, "I guess it's just me again".


As i get home I see a note on the counter


Me and your dad had to go to a business trip, and it might take the whole summer, we are putting money on your bank account every 2 week, if you need anything call me.

From mom and dad.

I sigh and throw the paper away, and go upstairs to take a shower and probably spend my whole summer watching Netflix.

'They didn't even said congratulations'


Authors note:

First chapter done!!

I hope you guys like it, I'm sorry if there's any mistakes, as I said before English is not my first language, and this is my first time writing something...

I hope everyone has a great day/night :)

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