4. Breathing

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We won 2-1

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We won 2-1

This was our first game of the year, but it was hella intense, being the captain of the hockey team is not an easy task, I have to make sure that everyone including myself in on the right track, but that's not the hard part, the hard part is when some fuckers doesn't listen to you.

Even though you are the captain, stupid bitch.

They don't listen and the risk of losing is greater. It was almost a tied game, at the last 40 seconds Matthew made the last point. We were luck as fuck.

Matthew and Shawn are my childhood best friends; our parents have been friends since high school, These guys as much as they piss me the fuck off, they're the only ones that I can tolerate. Only sometimes.

Right now we're waiting for Mia and Sarah, they also grew up with us, obviously Mia because she's Shawns sister, Sarah's parents went to high school with our parents, so basically we're all family.

Shawn has been hooking up with Sarah for a while but I don't think his sister know. Matthew feels something for Mia but the fucker is such pussy and he can't admit that.

I don't have time or even wish to date someone, I obviously have my hookups here and there but nothing serious.

"Fuck Matthew, the last score that you did was fucking gorgeous" Shawn said as he keeps jumping up and down like his ass is on fire, and keeps bumping on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me fucker" I roll my eyes at him, and lean against the wall as we wait for the girls.

"Aww Big GreyGrey doesn't like to be touched" Shawn pouts, I shoot him a glare, he backs away with his hand on the air laughing. He's such a child.

"Look there they are" I hear Mia say.

As I look at them I see a unfamiliar brunette walking behind the girls, she's so short that she looks like a fucking child walking with them. I look at her up and down, and damn she's hot.

She looks up at me and I swear to God that my lungs stopped working, because I can't fucking breath.

She's gorgeous, she has the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen, they're green but with a little bit of blue on them, she has a button nose that has some freckles on it, a natural pouty lips that makes your knees go weak, her hair is up on a messy bun that makes her absolutely breathtaking.

God she's beautiful

"Guys this is Liliana she's my new roommate" Mia says as she points to the beauty behind her. "Lili this is Matthew, Shawn and Grayson" Sarah introduces us to her.

She looks at us and gives a small wave and smile shyly saying in the softest voice "Hey".

"Hey shortie" Shawn says smirking, and Matthew waves at her smiling, I'm frozen I can even do anything. Fuck Grayson stop being a fucking pussy and wave at the girl.

' I can't fucking move, I think I'm broken'

Now I'm going insane because I'm taking to my fucking self, God what's wrong with me.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts as Mia says "We should do something to celebrate the win."

Matthew looks down at her and smile making her blush, " Yeah, Noah is throwing a party, we should go" he says. " Sure let's go, are you coming Lili?" Mia asks.

I look at her and see that she's looking at us biting her lips. Fuck.

"Hmm, I don't know" she says. "Aww come on, it will be fine you have to come" Sarah says.

Lili looks at us for a second debating whether she's going or not, "Sure." She says

Mia squeals and hug her "Oh My God, I'm so excited let's go." Lili looks at me and gives me a small wave that makes my heart beat faster, and leaves with the girls.

As she turns around my eyes fall on her ass and fuck, she's got a nice ass.

Someone clears their throat making me take my eyes off Lili, I look back to see Matthew and Shawn smirking with their eyebrows raised. I flip them off and walk to my car as I hear them laughing.

I roll my eyes , "you guys coming or not?"

Fuck, I don't even know this girl, why do I feel like I can't fucking breath around her ?


Authors note

I hope you guys liked it :)

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