Chapter 14

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The next day I woke up way too early and wasn't able to get back to sleep so I took a shower and completed reading some British literature we had this afternoon. When it was time to go, I silently tiptoed around the house so as not to wake mom up, she had a day off and was sleeping. She barely sleeps these days. I made some breakfast for her and kept it in the refrigerator with a sticky note on the table, reminding her of it.

After cranking up my car, I took off in the direction of school. There were barely any cars in the parking lot when I arrived at school, I parked in my usual spot and went towards the locker to get my books. Today I had art class yet again. It seems like forever since the last time Ryan helped me. Don't go there mind, dangerous territory.
I took out my schedule and started arranging my books accordingly while the students arrived gradually. Five minutes before the bell, Willow arrived with Drew. These days I was seeing less and less of her. It saddened me but I was happy for her and Drew but sometimes it made me feel extremely lonely and well jealous of Drew that he got to spend so much time with her.

"Did you know the big news?" Asked Willow as soon as she joined me.

My brows furrowed "Which news?"
She had an amused glint in her eyes.

"Ryan and Bailey had a big fight." She said gleefully

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked as nonchalantly as possible.

"Oh come on Paige, don't be like that. I know you're doing a victory dance in your head." She smirked.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us." She promised and I glanced at Drew. He mimed zipping his lips. I laughed.

"Both of you are ludicrous, I don't stand a chance with him, can't you see the girls he dates? I'm nowhere close to their size two's and Victoria's secret models lookalikes."

Willow frowned. "Absolutely not, you're better way better than them. I don't know when you'll realize that. You're gorgeous and everyone except you are aware of it."

"Yeah, that's why I haven't snagged a date yet for the Halloween Dance" I replied sarcastically.

She punched me on my arm. Hard.
"Ow, what was that for?"

"For running that smart mouth of yours."

"Okay I'm getting late for my class, meet you at lunch?"

"Of course." I said and she speed walked towards her class. We had no classes together this semester unfortunately.
After she was gone Drew accompanied me towards my homeroom as he had to go in the same direction. After we waved goodbye I entered my class and had to sit through sixty minutes of torture learning world history. Then came the most dreaded part of the day. Gym. God, why did they have to make us take it compulsorily? If I won't participate today, Coach Williams will make me run laps which is worse, so I have to suck it up.
After what felt like a lifetime it was finally over and while I was just about to leave, Coach Williams called me from outside the locker room. I was the last to change for I had to catch my breath after climbing those ropes and defense tactics.
"Paige, can you please pass on this paper to one of the guys on football team? And please do it asap. I wouldn't have bothered you, but I have to run am errand so please help me out."

I nodded and hoped like hell I won't run into Ryan.

"By the way, they're in the boy's locker room" she added.

Great. It gets better and better. Atleast I'll have few minutes of reprieve from the next class without getting a tardy.
I walked towards boy's locker room at a slow pace. My muscles were already complaining and I'm sure they'd be stiff until tomorrow.

When I reached the locker room, there was no one in there or atleast I thought that nobody was there when suddenly the door behind me opened, I jumped and was about to shriek when out came none other than Ryan Vincent aka hotness personified wearing nothing except a towel around his waist, those honey blonde hair perfectly messy and damp from the shower he just had. I was staring at the drops of water trailing down his washboard abs when his voice which was deliciously deep and husky brought me out of my reverie.

"Keep staring at me like that and I'm not responsible for what happens next." He said in a deep rumble.

"How am I staring at you? When a guy wearing nothing but a towel stands in front of you, anyone is bound to stare. It's nothing out of the ordinary. Please, get over yourself" I challenged him.

"Oh yeah?" He asked taking a step forward, I backed up immediately.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered. Damn me and my big mouth. He kept stalking towards me like a predator and I kept backing up like the stupid prey I am. I knew I was playing with fire but I was unable to help myself. It's like the saying goes 'Moth drawn towards the flame.'

"I-I'm j-just here to to give you this" I thrust the paper which coach Williams had given me towards him to maintain the distance between us, but all it did was bring us close and his attention was solely on me. After taking the paper from my fingers, he caged me in with both of his hands on either side of my head.

"Is that so? Or are you here for me? To apologize for leaving me stranded in my house and running away without an explanation for what I did wrong, to apologize for making fake promises to my little sister who's now heartbroken?"

Shit!! I totally forgot the pinky promise I made to Avery on that fateful day.

"Ryan.. I.. I can explain it just flew out of my mind when I had news about my dad. Please tell her I'm sorry I swear I didn't mean to hurt her."

"But you did."

"I know and I'm really sorry. Not for you but for Avery."

"What do you mean?" He asked in a low angry voice.

I held my chin high. "I heard you say Bailey that I'm just a charity case for you and that.. nothing never mind, I should get going." I said pushing at his chest to make him get away from me. But he didn't budge.

"And what Paige?" He inched forward. If I moved backwards some more I'd snap my neck, trying to look up at him.

"Nothing, I'm really tired Ryan so I'd appreciate it if you'd just..." I was silenced by his mouth on mine. I was so stunned that I remained still for a moment and when I raised my hand it wasn't to push him away but to pull him closer to me. He removed my hair tie and tangled his hand in my curls. My whole body was tingling. The kiss was explosive. Better than the fourth of July fireworks. And just like that Ryan kissed me and turned my world upside down.

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