Chapter 16

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Rest of the day had been uneventful. I had to meet Avery after school and then get ready to be at Lola's for my first day. Gosh I hope it goes well.

"What are you doing after school?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Reid's question.
"Oh um nothing really, I had to meet Ryan's little sister."

Reid's brows creased in confusion.
"Why would you meet his sister?" He asked bewildered.

"I promised her that I'd see her everyday after I gave up the job of babysitting her. She's really the sweetest thing."

"You seem quite taken with her." He smiled and the dimple in his cheek popped up.

"You'd be too, once you get to know her. Anyways, where's Ethan? I haven't seen him since yesterday. "

He gave me a mischievous smile.
"Just busy with his flavor of the week."

"Oh well.." I laughed awkwardly
"Dare I ask who is it?"

His expression sobered "It's Brandon Rivers. "

My eyes widened he was one of the football jocks and too cocky for his own good.
I hesitated but figured that I have to voice my concerns.

"Is he sure, I mean is that a good idea?"
Reid shrugged

"Ethan is a big boy he can take care of himself."

I wasn't so sure but I dropped the topic. My grade was yet again dwindling in calculus, it was giving me a headache.

"Hey Reid, are you good at calculus?" I asked him.
He stared at me with confusion etched on his face at the abrupt change of topic.
"Uh well I won't say I'm good at it, I actually took the subject because rest all of them were saturated."

I sighed in disappointment
"Never mind I'll figure it out."

He grinned "once you do figure it out, make sure to help me too."

"Hey I wanted to ask you about our.. date" he said.
Immediately my mind went to the kiss I shared with Ryan, the asshole. I shook out the mental image and turned towards Reid.

"Of course, how about Saturday? Are you free in the evening?"

His whole face lit up. "I'm free whenever you are." He said and then checked his watch.
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow, try not to mess up your orders." He said flashing a smile at me before sauntering away.

I took a short detour to the library and borrowed a book of short moral stories for Avery. When it was finally 2p.m I left the library. After exiting from the library as I was rounding the corner someone suddenly grabbed my wrist and shoved me behind the statue of virgin Mary which was smack dab in the middle of the corridor but had a small alcove like space. It's hardly visible from front. I panicked and was about to shriek when my abductor covered my mouth with his palm.

"Please shut up for Chris's sake" I recognized the voice as Ryan's and sighed in relief.

After catching my breath I shoved him away from me.

"What were you thinking grabbing me like that. Jeez I almost had a heart attack." I fumed

"How was I supposed to talk to you when you were so blatantly ignoring me and hanging around with lover boy." He said in a low voice. If I didn't know better I'd think he was jealous. If wishes were fishes I'd have a whole ocean of them.

"So you took matters in your own hand and decided to give me the scare of my life?" I yelled at him.

"Calm down, it's not like I've molested you or anything.
Anyways where was I? Oh yeah, you and the lover boy. What's up with you guys, y'all sure seem quite close."

I've never heard him babble the way he's doing right now. If I wasn't angry at him I'd be amused right now.

"Would you now tell me whatever you wanted to say? And stop calling Reid lover boy, he has a name you know."

Ryan looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Look I'm really sorry for whatever happened in the gym that day, it was wrong of me to lead you on, when I'm already dating someone."

There goes my heart splintering. It's like he loves to wedge the knife in my chest a little deeper everytime he opens his mouth.

"I've already forgotten about that Ryan it's nice of you to apologize but there's no need, now if you'll excuse me I have to be at class." I said and was about to sidestep him when he once again blocked my path.
"What now?" I asked him already irritated.
He rubbed a hand behind his neck and swallowed.
"Actually I needed your help."
"Sorry, find someone else" I replied and successfully reached the door.

"Please, if you won't help me I won't be able to attend my chosen university next year. Please Paige, help me out."

I was surprised at his words seeing as he had everything money, grades, athleticism any uni would love to have him.
But I didn't know how in the name of hell can I help him in any way.

"What is it?" I asked him warily.

He smiled "Nothing, you just have to let me tutor you."

"How will that help you?" I asked perplexed cause I really had no goddamn clue how tutoring me would help Ryan.

"It'll go on my records of course and I can use all the extra curricular activities I can get to make my record look appealing."

Alright that didn't sound like he was taking pity on me or anything and I could use all the help I can get to ace maths.
"Okay, if it's no problem for you then you can help me with my studies. "

He grinned and I was temporarily stunned watching his green eyes light up and that infuriating dimple pop I averted my eyes. Well I gotta get used to his pretty boy face seeing as he's gonna tutor me and I'd have to see him with his girlfriend and act like I don't care in the least.
Great. My life just got more miserable than it already is.

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