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Mystic Falls
"Damon... I need advice... Stefan sit down too, because I'm at a freaking cross roads" Leo started as he paced around the Salvatore parlour, pouring himself a shaky glass of bourbon before gulping it down in one, before pouring another. "And I'm pretty sure... I'm about to lose my mind..."

"What's happened, Leo?" Stefan asked as he took a seat.

"Just spit it out baby bro" Damon shrugged.

"Okay..." The youngest brother sighed, "Bonnie wants me to take the cure..."

"What? But ..." Stefan's eyes widened, "The cure ... it's still in Rebekah's blood..." He put the pieces together.

"Yes Stefan" Leo rolled his eyes, "Keep up..."

"Are you going to take it?" The middle Salvatore questioned.

"I don't know, will you just let me finish!" Leo spoke angrily through frustration, "If I take this cure... so much could go wrong... me and Bonnie could break up, and then what would I do? I don't know what to do!"

"Leo..." Damon sighed, "you need to think this through... you're getting an opportunity that others would kill for..."

"That's the thing, I could give the cure to you and Elena! You could have the life you wanted together!" Leo reasoned, "But the little voice in my head is telling me to make Bonnie happy and be human with her..."

"Don't worry about me and Elena", Damon rolled his eyes, "You can't take the cure for Bonnie, you have to take it for you..."

"Wait..." Leo paused, almost as if a light bulb lit inside his head, "There's not just one cure..."

The other two brothers furrowed their brows for a moment until they also realised. "Katherine."
"Bonnie... it'll be okay, Leo loves you", Elena took her best friends hands as they sat next to each other inside Bonnies living room.

"You didn't see him, Elena" Bonnie looked away, "It was like I asked him to stake himself, he just left."

"It's a big thing, Bonnie" Elena sighed, "He's been a vampire for over 150 years..."

"I understand that..." She reasoned, "but I just thought that..."

"You thought that he would have said 'yes' straight away..." Elena finished, "I remember the first time I asked Damon to take the cure with me, he didn't want to. But now... now we can only wish for a cure to start our dream life... you just have to be patient..."

They fell into a comfortable silence for a moment, until something inside Bonnies head lit up. " can have the life you've always wanted with Damon. Katherine... she has the cure running through her blood too!"

Elena's eyes widened, "Bonnie... oh my god!"
"Damon... you could have the life that you and Elena want... I hear you talking about it, I know you want that human life with her..." Leo spoke energetically, "And then Stefan, you and Caroline could put things in the past and move on together and have your own human life too..."

"You're forgetting something Leo" Stefan sighed, "This was supposed to be the idea for you... for your life with Bonnie"

"But..." Leo started

"No, you have to take this into consideration baby bro" Damon placed a hand on his baby brothers shoulder, "I'm happy that I could have that future with Elena, but... this is your decision too..."

"Sorry to disturb but..." Elena appeared with both Bonnie and Caroline by her sides. "We need to tell you something..."

"So do we!" Leo replied with a smile.

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