Facing reality part 1

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Today was the day. The day Rebekah turns human... after an endless amount of centuries , the blonde was finally going to start the life she craved for a thousand years ...

"Knock knock" Leo smirked as he walked inside and the Mikaelson home

Rebekah turned around and was met by Leo's blue eyes... "Leo? Why are you here?"

Letting out a sigh... the youngest Salvatore took the hand of the youngest Mikaelson ... "I heard today was the day your taking the cure..." He started , he looked down at their hands embracing eachother , letting out another soft breath he then looked into her blue orbs "I just wanted to tell you... I'm happy for you and ... and I'm glad you can finally live your dream"

Taken back by Leo's comforting words , she smiled ... "Leo..." The blonde began reading the emotion in Leo's piercing blue eyes, she could tell he was happy for her, she could tell that he cares more then he has let on ... "thank you..."

"Are you taking the cure this afternoon?" Leo asked

"When Elijah opens the stone , I'll be taking the cure and I'll be human ..." As she replied , she felt sad but happy. Sad that her immortal life will come to and end , however , she was happy her new life was about to begin... she was about to be a mother, a wife ... start a family of her own.

"Just know I'm always going to be here for you Rebekah" Leo spoke so softly... a side that Rebekah hadn't seen in what felt like forever "always... I promise" He leant in and placed a soft gentle kiss on the top of the blondes head. Both with closed eyes , the two moved back and gazed into one another's eyes ... blue meeting blue ...

"I've always loved you Leo Salvatore" Rebekah admitted ...

A shot of electricity ran through the Salvatores body 'what did I just hear?' He asked himself ... her words were repeated on a loop for a moment ... "you... you love me?" He stuttered in shock

Rebekah looked down , away from his blue eyes... "I understand you mustn't feel the same..." breaking her hand from his , the blonde began to walk away...

Taking another step away, she was surprised when Leo appeared in front of her ... staring at eachother for more then a moment , Leo moved forward and crashed his lips onto Rebekah's , getting lost in a sea of passion ...
The British woman moved both arms and wrapped them around the Salvatore's neck ...

As Leo had one hand firmly on the bottom of her back and the other gently placed on Rebekah's soft cheek, he pulled away to look into her eyes one more time ...
"I don't know what love is Rebekah" He began as he traced a pattern on her cheek with his thumb, back and forth... "but right now... with you... I realise love... my love... is wherever you are."

Rebekah stood silent ... his words struck her heart... making her melt into his touch , she gave into his lips one more time before he mumbled against them ... "don't take the cure..."

Pulling away , Rebekah felt her heart race ... "wha...what?"

"Don't take the cure..." This time he sounded even more confident in his words as he cupped her face ... "be with me... we can get away from here, far away... live our own lives ... together ... yes we will still be vampires, but we'll have eachother..."

"I... I..." Rebekah was lost for words ... "can I think about this Leo?"

"Of course... take your time..." Leo moved away slightly but still had a hold of her hands ... "follow your heart Rebekah"

"Home sweet home" Damon opened his arms as he strut inside the Salvatore mansion

"Your home?" Stefan was surprised to see his brother snd Elena... He wasn't expecting them to be home so soon... and how was he going to explain to them about the cure? Or Rebekah taking the cure? Or even better... how was he going to tell his brother that Enzo... one of his best friends ... is dead?

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