Chapter 3 Some maybe truth about the multiverse...

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We open up the chapter to see the protagonist currently training. The protagonist figured out that he gain stat points when he trains and he also figured out he can't get tired due to gamer's body so he has been training for hours on end.

+1 Str

+ 1 Vit

+1 Agi

"Alright I am done with this training it's getting way too boring." Said Matt as he dropped to the ground.

(Your telling me. At least your doing something)

Matt then asked system "Hey what's up with your voice. It doesn't sound like it's in the 90s."

(I moved on from that phase anyways shouldn't you check your stats or something?)

"Alright I'll check my stats." answered Matt 

Matt then said "Stats."


Name: Matt

Nicknames: None

Title: None

Equipment: Beginner weapon, beginner armor

Current Transformation: Base form

Mana: 270/270 Recovery rate 26 per minute

Health: 5000/5000 Recovery rate 500 per minute

Level:16 EXP 0/160

Str:500 (10)

Vit:500 (10)

Agi:500 (10)



Stat points:160

Skills: Gamer's body(passive) level Max: Allows the body to act like a videogame character's one.

I.D Create level Max : Allows the user to create instant dungeons for levels or LOVE.

I.D Escape level Max : Allows the user to escape instant dungeons.

Dimension hop level 1/100: Allows you to jump into different universes and even different dimensions if the Level is high enough.

Spells: None





AT:50 (1)

DF:50 (1)


NEXT: 10

WEAPON: beginner weapon

ARMOR: beginner armor

Gold: 200

*Growing ever more powerful


"Huh looks like the description changed again. I wonder what Ink and the other Sans's descriptions are like."

(It doesn't matter because your going to find out soon enough speaking of which are you finally going to leave and explore the multiverse)

Remade as a Sans/☝︎♋︎❍︎♏︎❒︎Where stories live. Discover now