Chapter 28 Wait...

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Mike was currently back at the base. He was snacking on a chocolate bar from the stash that Max had found.

He wasn't sure how Max found it or why there was a stash of chocolate, but... he didn't really care. Plus, the chocolate tasted pretty good.

He was sitting down on the couch, using Outer's unconscious body as a place to rest his legs, as he went to town on the chocolate bar in his left hand.

A portal was in front of Mike, which showed the status of Outertale. He also reworked it, so it acted more like a TV of the multiverse.

Mike was getting bored of this Isekai overpowered channel and decided to switch it to something more fun to watch as he hit a button on the remote.

The portal changed to show the end of a genocide route with Sans's clutching his chest, which had a large slash running through it as he was slowly turning to dust.

"so... guess that's it, huh?" Mike summoned popcorn on his left before taking some and throwing it into his jaw before biting down.

Mike already knew how this was going to end, so he wanted to see a better end instead of this sad, bitter end for this timeline. He clapped his hands as he created seven human SOULs before sending them to that timeline. They then circled around a confused and shocked Sans whose sockets opened wide for a second before regaining their composer.

Sans winked at the human who was keeping a blank face before making a joke about godly intervention as Sans's absorbed the human SOULs before becoming Seraphim Sans.

King Multiverse watched as they absolutely destroyed the human before making sure the human would never come back as they reset the timeline but kept themselves outside the timeline so they would keep their powers before killing the human immediately as they came down and leaving no trace of them.

Mike laughed at this as Outer slowly awoke from his slumber due to Mike's laughter and also his legs bouncing up and down. Outer decided to keep quiet to understand where he was as he looked about, only to hear noise coming from in front of him and laughter behind him as he felt his legs were in his back.

Someone was using him to rest their legs, which made him wonder who it was.

The laughter paused as Mike made a confused expression as his mind was slapping him with old information. He squinted his sockets as he tried to remember what his mind was telling him he was forgetting.

This slap in the mind only appeared when he thought of the word human.

'Human... human. HUMANS.' Mike's sockets widened as he realised what he had forgotten. What he and Matt had forgotten. They forgot to get the humans out of the training room, or whatever they called it.

"Sh#t!" He quickly got up, putting down the chocolate bar, while stepping over Outer, who was still lying on the floor, listening in on him and wondering why they were freaking out.

Mike then stopped before calming down and falling back onto the couch as his mind relaxed.

'Heh, I'll let Matt handle that one... I mean, I didn't summon those humans. He did.' Mike then put his legs back onto Outer as he put his hands behind his skull as he closed his sockets as he put his mind at ease.


"...Fine." Mike had a quick internal debate with himself and decided to not be lazy this time and got up off the couch again, with Outer wondering why he sat back down only to get back up again.

Outer watched as he tilted his skull to see what this stranger was doing as he watched them open up this void area to reveal a blinding white area.

King Multiverse walked in only to see that no one was in there.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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