|Chapter 30|

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|The attack|

Third person POV

Chaos; that was the right word to describe the situation. Normally, the Romano brothers were calm during an attack, handling the situation like the professionals they were. But not this time. Not when one of their biggest enemies was holding a knife to their sister's throat. Not when they couldn't do anything because every one of them had a gun pointed at their head. But there was someone missing. The goddess -as she liked to title herself- of the Romano family was missing. Was she dead already? Was she still alive, fighting for her life?

Then they heard a loud scream and it was like time stopped. It wasn't Valentina. But she was the reason that filthy man was screaming like a girl. She smirked as she rammed her dagger into his throat, turning it around and ripping the blade down and cutting him open. His screams stopped as he was only able to gurgle. He was choking on his own blood and bleeding out at the same time. What would kill him before the other one did? Valentina would love to find out, but she was running out of time. His screams had revealed her survival.

"I'd love to watch you suffer, Darling. But I don't have any time to, forgive me, will you", she asked with her innocent, angelic voice. Then she ripped out her dagger, letting him fall to the ground with a loud thud while taking out her gun and shooting him in the head. She kissed her hand and blew it to the dead man. Thirteen down, a lot more to go. She turned around, her gun raised, shooting the men that had crept up to her. Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One; she kept counting as the men kept coming. But then she ran out of ammunition. She let her gun fall to the ground and with one swing she held two daggers in her hands, ready to fight.

Two of them were easy to kill, they underestimated her. But the third -and last one- didn't. They fought until she was pressed against the railing, knowing that she was easy to murder as downstairs -in the living room- her siblings were being held, and they could see it all. The man roundhouse kicked her and she, not being able to hold herself anymore, flew over the railing onto the living room ground. She was alive, but didn't stand up. Instead, she started to slow down her breathing. She had always been good at playing dead man -though she had to admit no one could beat Ruby at the game. And this was a nice break to catch her breath before she would free her siblings. Her sister may not be tied up, but her brothers' hands were tied behind their backs. One of the enemy's men came up to her and felt her pulse.

"She's still alive, but seems like she's slowly dying", he said with a harsh accent. Antonio couldn't believe it. Why didn't he just tell her? He just had to be stubborn?

"Val!" His voice cracked, he couldn't keep talking, but he needed to; he needed to tell her. "Please", he cried out. "I'm sorry, you were right. I was the fool." Their enemies looked at him in pure amusement. They were enjoying his suffering. They could keep laughing, he didn't care. He knew as soon as his hands were free he would let them suffer.

"Stop laughing at my brother you idiot", a cold voice behind him said. Everyone was quiet, staring at her. The beauty that had just laid on the ground, half dead. She smiled innocently at him and then she threw one of her throwing knives, hitting his right eye.

"Bullseye." She took his gun out of his hand, killed the man that stood behind her eldest brother and closest to her. Then she quickly turned around shooting the guy that had thrown her over the railing, all the while counting. As she was busy killing the men behind her brothers, her twin got free and started a fight against their enemy, Denis Kovalenko.

It seemed that he was going to win, Ruby was never the best in close combat. But was she really losing? Before he could make his last move and knock her out, Val jumped onto his back, a needle in her hand. She took the needle and rammed it into his neck, emptying the substance into him. He tried to fight her, but the substance's effect got to him and his movements got sloppier by the second. Before he fell and hit the ground, Val jumped off his back and finally got to help her brothers. She helped Ruby untie them, then she took the rope from the hands of one of her brothers and tied them around Kovalenko's.

"You scared us", Alessandro said and pulled her into a hug. Their other siblings joined them in their hug, making it a family hug as their men started to search the Romano mansion for any other threats. Some other of their men entered the mansion and started to clean up around them and upstairs, making sure they didn't miss a single drop of blood.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you", she said, a look of guilt flashing over her. "But I just needed to hear those words from you", she continued turning toward Antonio. He looked at her, outraged. "Calm down. It was also great to have a little break so I could catch my breath."

"How about a movie night?", Lorenzo asked after a while of silence.

"Sounds great. But before, everyone go take a shower", Alessandro said. He got a round of mumbling approval, before they cleared the living room, going to their rooms to take a shower. Alessandro sighed, giving a few demands to the men that were still around. Then he turned around, following his siblings upstairs to take a shower.

"What a night."

To be continued...

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 |✔Where stories live. Discover now