|Chapter 38|

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|The conversation|

Leonardo POV

My eyes felt heavy and my body felt like it was on fire. I was in pain, but I couldn't place where it was coming from. The first thing I noticed when I "woke up" was that someone or something was squeezing my hand. "Woke up"; I couldn't see anything, my eyes were closed and felt way too heavy to open. But I could feel, smell and hear. I could hear voices but I couldn't really make out what they said. It was frustrating, but I tried to not let it faze me. I tried to concentrate on opening my eyes, but it was so hard.

Suddenly all the talking I heard before and couldn't make out became clear. I could hear beeping, it was annoying and I wanted to tell someone to make it shut up, but I couldn't. My eyes were heavy and my throat was dry. Breathing was hard and it felt like something was in my throat; it was disgusting and I felt my gag reflexes starting to kick in.

I opened my eyes quickly, the brightness of the light hitting and blinding me. But that was my smallest problem at the moment. I gagged.

"Did he just gag?", someone asked, I didn't know who it was, but that someone definitely sounded surprised.

"His eyes are open!", another voice then screamed, making me wince. Why was he talking so loud?

"Get the doctor", someone else demanded. "And quieten down", the same person added. Who were those people talking? I felt like I knew them, but I couldn't remember from where.

Then everything seemed to be in a blur. All I could do at the moment was look at the ceiling, then someone came and took -whatever was in my throat- out and then started saying things like "we didn't expect him to wake up this soon". Then, FINALLY, someone helped me sit up. And who was there? My lovely siblings! So those were the ones talking the whole time? Now, it makes sense.

I wanted to say something, but my throat was so dry that I couldn't. Quickly my twin came to my aid and helped me drink some water. Was this how it was going to be now? I would need help with everything? If this was going to continue like that, then please someone kill me. And with that thought, it hit me. Giovanni. The bullet. The pain. The ambulance. I was in the hospital.

Valentina POV

Leonardo waking up was the highlight of our day. I felt relieved; like someone had lifted the weight of my shoulders. The weight that had been there ever since all of this bullshit with Giovanni started.

As soon as the doctor and nurses left, Leonardo groaned. "Fuck." He let his head fall back and then as if a light bulb was switched on his head shot up and a look of realization was clear on his face. "Is he dead? Did he hurt any of you?", he rushed out, clearly worried.

"Don't worry, we just had a few scratches, nothing serious", Lorenzo said, as always, wearing a loving smile. He brushed through Leo's hair in a comforting way.

"And yes, he is dead. Dario and Alessandro did some work on him, before Dario ended his life", Antonio added to answer Leo's first question. He was -seemingly- better now, that his twin had finally woken up. I could understand how he felt the last week. No one knew when or if Leonardo would wake up and he must've felt even more horrible than all of us combined. I felt horrible after the attack in which John was killed in, when they wouldn't let me see Ruby. But I knew that she was good and that she would wake up within the next few hours. Antonio didn't know that and he still had been so strong -even though he had his break down, he was able to pull himself together again. And for that I truly admire and look up to him -of course, I would never tell him that (that would be so embarrassing).

"I'm so hungry", Leonardo then said, sighing lighty. Alessandro rolled his eyes, mumbling something under his breath, which -as it seemed- we were all not able to make out what he said -kinda pissed me off not to know, but whatever.

"Well, I am hungry too. Alessandro, how about we two get something for all of us?", I asked my oldest brother, but it was clear to everyone in the room that it wasn't actually a question. I didn't ask him, I told him, I just let it seem like I did.

"What was that for?", Alessandro asked me, seemingly annoyed that he had to get food, or that he was stuck with me -probably both though.

"So, when are you planning on coming out?", I asked him, I was never really one to beat around the bush. I was straight forward with my questions and demands, and I expected nothing less from the people around me. Though, they don't always seem to hear my silent prayer -much to my dismay.

Alessandro hit the breaks, coming to a stop in the middle of the road causing the car behind us to almost hit us. He quickly composed himself, clearing his throat and stepping on the gas again.

"I don't really know what you're talking about." He looked nervous and a bit paler than usual.

"Yes, you do."

"I- how did you figure it out? Is it that obvious? Do the others know as well?" Definitely nervous.

"I don't think any of the boys know, Lorenzo might have assumptions but nothing more. The others are pretty oblivious to anything regarding you. Ruby knows, you're our main subject when we meet up to gossip ", I answered him. Honestly, I felt a little bit bad. It wasn't very common nor welcome to be homosexual in our kind of business. And I haven't ever heard of any big cases regarding this situation in the underground -people usually kept it to themselves, I guess. I would probably too. But being a Mafioso and gay was even less welcome nor excepted, especially not under other Mafiosi. And you can't really hide it, unless you marry a woman -which pretty much sucks when you're gay.

"I don't know", he seemed relieved from what I've said; he shouldn't be though. I could be wrong too. "Do you think they would accept me?" He was insecure about his sexuality, it was obvious and I understood why he was. He grew up learning that being gay was wrong and not to be accepted, maybe he didn't even except himself yet and wasn't coming out because of that. Either way, I left it at that -though we both knew this conversation was far from over. We ordered the food and drove back to the hospital to eat with our siblings and act like nothing happened.

To be continued...

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