Chapter 3: Not So Second Male Lead

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"You must've been really hungry, huh..."

The kind stranger Akio met is currently scarfing down pastries like he had been starved for years. The man nods, swallowing the pastry. "I skipped dinner last night because of work. So you really helped me a lot."

"No problem."

"Are you not going to eat?" The man asked, wondering as to why Akio hadn't taken off his mask and didn't even buy a drink for himself.

"No, I had breakfast at home already."

"Okay then."


Wuu...How does this work? Do I just introduce myself? What if it's too sudden? Should I ask for his name first? Wait, I should definitely give my own name first. But what if he thinks I'm weird and goes 'Why is this dude trying to get close all of the sudden?' Wait, I'm not! I'm just trying to-

As Akio was left to conduct an imaginary conversation with multiple bad endings, the man had stopped eating to stare at him.

"Is something wrong? You're pale all over again."

"M-Me? Oh yes, I'm fine!"

"...If you say so, but you should go home if you want to rest. I don't mind if you leave."

Akio waves his hands dismissively. "No, no, no, I can't. I still haven't paid yet and-"

"It's fine. I can pay myself but if you insist on treating me, then you can leave the money and go back home to get some rest."

Wah, he's really nice!

"Hah, you really think so?"

Oh no! I said that out loud!! But I meant it as a really good thing! But what if he thinks I'm-

Before Akio could go off into another land in his mind, the man averted his gaze and had an odd expression on his face. He seemed...happy?  "Thank you for saying that I guess...I don't really hear that often."

"Eh? Really?" Such a good man and no one ever praises him? "Well, I think you're nice. You helped me calm down at the supermarket when you didn't have to."

"It was just the right thing to do, you know?"

"But still..."

"I'm just gonna finish eating." The man said, returning to his pastries. Akio looked closer at the man's image, seeing a tint of red around his ears. Is he embarrased from the compliment?

Akio double checks to make sure he isn't saying anything out loud, but the man has definitely caught his interest and curiosity.

He wonders...can they be friends?

If so, this would be the very first friend Akio makes in his world. He has made a good impression so far, especially when the man prevented him from getting a worse panic attack. Akio doesn't really know how to make friends or how to ask someone to be his friend, but friendship can come naturally sometimes, right?

It...doesn't hurt to try.


Will you be my friend?

Wait, I don't even know his name yet!

When should we be friends? What's the perfect timing? Should we exchange numbers so we can meet up a few more times? What if I'm annoying him, what if I'm-

"Oh crap..." The man suddenly cursed at his phone as he was eating. He quickly looked up to Akio and excused himself for a moment due to a sudden work message.

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