Chapter 13: Calls - Behind the Scenes

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Note: This is a triple update so go to Chapter 11! I'll delete this after a few days! Thank you!


"Onee-san, where are you right now?" That was the first question once Yuna answered her phone

"Aki-Oh, Bro! I'm at the arcade right now with my friends. What's up?" Yuna asks, turning to Emma and Lucas, who were focused on the claw machine.

"Good, don't leave your friends' sides no matter what, got it?" Akio said.

Yuna suddenly felt a nervous chill. She has never heard Akio talk like this, not since..."Daniel, what's going on?"

"Scarlett went missing."

"What? Why!?" Yuna immediately moves to a quieter part of the arcade, waving at Emma and Lucas before going.

"I don't know. I'm at the police station right now with Vincent and we found out from Jackson that she went missing. The location where she was taken was at the pharmacy in a remote town. Do you know anything?" Akio asks.

A few seconds of silence passed before Yuna spoke.

"The date's...September 1st." Yuna covers her mouth, realizing that today is- "The day I was supposed to get kidnapped..."

She whispers, her voice shaking. "Instead of me, Scarlett is the one who was...Oh no..."

"Yuna-nee-san." Akio called firmly, knowing exactly what was going on in his older sister's mind. "This is not your fault."

"...No, brother...I...I was originally supposed to be in that pharmacy..." Eve whispers, grabbing a fistful of her skirt in a mix of frustration and guilt. "Emma would get sick, Eve would take her home and buy medicine. The nearest pharmacy to her house is that pharmacy...Nathan waited for Eve near the school and followed them to Emma's house...Then...Nathan would grab Eve and throw her inside a van...Scarlett and Vincent would see since they were investigating the area and Daniel would be investigating somewhere else..."

And in this life, Yuna made sure to never get Emma sick. She recommended healthier food options, nutritional supplements, and did everything she could to make sure her friend didn't get sick, or any of her close friends.

Of course her choices now will change the line of the story, she is aware of this fact. However, she didn't expect Scarlett to take her place. Scarlett was supposed to be the one to track down where Eve was kidnapped, not be the one kidnapped.

"Don't blame yourself." Akio says, "We didn't know this would happen. I know you're frustrated right now, but don't let it overcome you. We can work this out...So please, will you help me?"

"Of course I will! What do you need to know?"

"What else happened in the original?"

"Well...After Eve gets kidnapped, the trio focuses on locating her. Three days later, Scarlett manages to pin point the exact location where the fuckers will buy Eve and other victims too. They then find the location where they hid them..."

Certainly, they weren't going to wait for three days to follow the storyline. This wasn't a story they were dealing with, they were dealing with actual lives. Living, breathing human beings like them. Coming from a novel or not did not matter. Akio and Yuna may have chosen to stay on the sidelines, but felt like they couldn't live with themselves if they let this chance to save these lives slip by now.

Especially to Akio, who's there with Vincent, with a greater chance of preventing anything worse from happening. Three days can be hell, even a second of one realizing that the victims have been kidnapped is hell.

"Please, can you try and remember where it happened? The specific location where Eve was taken to?" Akio asks, desperation evident in every word. Yuna bit her lip, trying to recall this scene the best she can. And at this moment, she wished she was superhuman, or like a character in stories where they had excellent memory, recalling everything with detail.


...I could save her. Yuna grips her phone tightly as the thought crosses her mind. If only I can remember...What happened...where did it-Station!

"Wait, in a train station." Yuna places her hand on the side of head, racking her brain. Come on, remember! This scene! This is where the trio went to an underground location to save Eve! Come on!

"Train station...but which one..." Yuna mutters, "Which one, which one..."

"Eve? Is something wrong?" Yuna snaps out of her thoughts and looks at the worried pair, Emma and Lucas. They have seemed to have won the crane game, seeing as to how they're holding cat plushies. Yuna decides to ask, "Um...Do you guys know if there are any abandoned train stations or of the sort?"

"Eh? Why are you looking for an abandoned train station?" Emma asks, completely puzzled.

"There should be one south." Lucas answers, shocking Yuna the most. "I think it's called the Golden Pine Railway Station."

"That's it!" Yuna exclaims, "Excuse me for a moment guys! On a call! I'll be right in the corner!"

"Hey wait-"

Yuna moves further in the quieter area, continuing, "The location is Golden Pine Railway Station. It's south and you have to hurry. Don't do anything reckless. If you get caught, they'll move them somewhere else. Oh, and make sure to get backup! There's only a few enemies, but you need a team to inspect the whole area right after to get clues for the next part of the story!"

"Onee-san, thank you."

"Mhm...It's the least I could do." Yuna says, smiling weakly as she realized the choice Akio was about to make. "I'm proud of you."

"...What?" Yuna could hear the surprise from the other side.

"I know you've made the decision to go there yourself. You're brave, brother. You're determined and you're kind, it really shows...But please...Be careful out there."


"Please come home." Yuna bit her lip, her voice trembling as her eyes turned glossy. "Please come home to me."

"I will. I promise."

And the call ends. Yuna quietly puts her phone away and buries her face in her hands. She sniffled, "Ah...My little brother's growing up."

In the end, the two have made their decision.

We're engaging this plot head on...No more sidelines.


Hello everyone!

How are all of you doing?

And so the siblings have made their final decision! Yuna's gonna try and remember as much as she can too!

Repost note from Announcement/Message Feed:
Apologies for the hiatus. I have returned and I have graduated! I am indeed alive and I have plans to continue my stories, have no worries. I have written so many drafts while doing schoolwork at the same time and I am ready to upload daily in wattpad again, if not daily, then as often as I can! I really do apologize to all my readers, I have been gone for far too long and that's my fault. Thank you truly for everyone's patience and for following this story!

To add, Chapter 14 and 15 are undergoing some edits, they'll be published soon! Fight scenes are hard!
I'm keep rewriting it to make sure it doesn't um...the term I will use is "dry".

Once again, thank you for everyone's support, views, votes and comments! I'll see you all in the next chapter~

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