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It had been three days since Vera had been taken down into the dungeons. She was placed in the biggest one with the highest level of security. The bars were made of solid obsidian and were unbreakable. She sat still, almost like a statue thinking about how the hell she was going to be of any help from inside the cell. Occasionally Santiago would come down to check on her, he never said anything to her, just came in, stared at her for a moment or two and left.

Alec had also been under strict lockdown. There were four guards stationed outside his bedroom door and followed him around whenever he left. Caius had demanded that punishment for Alec as he didn't trust the witch twin not to release Vera. Now Alec knew good and well he could easily incapacitate the guards and go to his mate but he was no fool. He had a bid his time a little better. He had no doubt that Vera would find her own way out of the cell and that he would join her in fleeing once she did.

Jane's guards were far less conspicuous than Alec's. Aro hadn't wanted to give off the idea that he didn't trust Jane so he secretly had told Bernard and Afton to keep watch of Jane. Despite what people may think about the blonde witch twin she wasn't an idiot. She noticed the two vampires were always in hearing vicinity of her, as well as their brief and subtle glances at each other whenever she got up and left whatever room they were in. She despised being on Aro's "naughty list" but she despised the fact that he had placed Vera in a dungeon for doing nothing more than being aware that Isabella had carried and birthed a child even more.

Vera could hear the foot steps of Santiago walking towards the room and she focused on the molecules in his brain that made up his pleasure center. Altering them, she made him loyal to her.

"I know what you're doing." Santiago said through clenched teeth. He had been ordered to check on her every 16 hours to make sure she hadn't escaped and each time his guard was up, he knew of her powers and prayed she wouldn't use them. Now he could feel his heart yearn to help the girl, he wanted nothing more than for her to be free. She didn't deserve to be imprisoned.

"Santiago." She breathed out, reaching out from the bars she grabbed his hand. He didn't pull away as he felt explosions erupt in his body at her touch. He laced his fingers with hers, unable to stop himself from showing her affection.

"Vera." He said quietly. He knew that she was manipulating him but he could help but be infatuated with her. Her mere presence was enough to make his stomach do flips and his brain to go fuzzy

"Help me." She raised her hand to his face as she cupped his cheek

"I can't." He groaned, his loyalty to Aro ran insanely deep and Vera would have to work a lot harder to overshadow it. Concentrating harder, she tugged on his desire towards her and decreasing his desire to please the masters simultaneously. It wore her out and if it didn't work she was sure she wouldn't get another chance. He took her hand away from her cheek and placed a wet kiss on it, causing her to inwardly cringe.

He moved to unlock the gate from the outside, allowing her out. She walked out and wrapped her arms around him, with a gentle kiss on his cheek she shoved him into the cell she was just previously in and locked it. He looked at her with wide eyes, filled with hurt and betrayal. Muttering a quick "sorry" she ran out of the dungeons.

Since it was about 50 feet underground she had to run up stairs, praying that she didn't run into a single person. Fortunately for her, she didn't. Climbing out of the first story window she ran around to the east side of the castle where Alec's room was. She scaled the walls until she was right outside his window. He was sitting on his bed scribbling away in one of his journals. With a single light tap his eyes snapped up to meet hers.

In a flash the the window was open and his arms were under hers, pulling her into the room without making a single sound for there were guards outside. Gesturing for her to wait in his bathroom she did while he opened the door to glare at the guards.

Irrevocably Yours [Alec Volturi]Where stories live. Discover now