Noah - Pierre Gasly

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a/n: SO sorry for being MIA lol, had a lot of uni etc, will be very slow with updates but i'm trying my best

this is for unleashthemonster300 i hope its what you wanted :)

word count: 755


You and Pierre had dated very briefly, and it had resulted in your son Noah. Noah was an identical copy of Pierre in every way. His blue eyes and brown hair matched perfectly, and he was very part personality wise, the same as Pierre too.

Pierre tried to spend as much time with you both as he could, but it was difficult when he had to spend most of his time in Italy at Alpha Tauri or even in the UK testing things for Redbull whilst you and Noah remained in France. Noah absolutely adored his dad and wanted to be as involved in his world as he could. The times Pierre would come and visit, Noah was glued to his side as if he was afraid if he let go Pierre wouldn't return. You could see it in Pierre's eyes that he hated leaving Noah and he often tried to beg you to bring Noah to a race so he could show him off to everyone.

Eventually you relented and agreed that Pierre's home race would be the best time to introduced Noah to the paddock. It didn't involve much travelling and you knew how excited Noah would be to be able to see his dad at work.

The day had finally arrived and whilst it had been chaotic trying to keep Noah from causing chaos around the paddock, everyone had doted on him. He had been well looked after by just about everyone, but you were grateful when you spotted Charlotte in the Ferrari garage and knew you and Noah could crash there whilst you waited for Charles and Pierre to return from qualifying. You and Charlotte had become close over the last 2 years, and she was besotted with Noah and Noah loved spending time with her and even more so in the bright red Ferrari garage, much to Pierre's fake annoyance.

You and Charlotte had been chatting whilst Noah snuggled into her lap and attempted to catch her hair which was blowing gently in the wind, a rarity for July in France. Your laughter was interrupted by Noah launching himself from Charlotte's lap into Pierre's arms.

"Woah there" Pierre smiled brightly at his son as Noah smiled widely at his dad. "How's it going?" He asked Noah but also caught your eye.

"Not bad really" you smiled warmly at him, "this one hasn't been causing too much chaos" you continued whilst winking at Noah and he hid his head in Pierre's chest knowing he had been caught out.

"And what about me?" a voice appeared from behind Pierre causing Noah to look up again and immediately try and launch himself into the new person's arm, but Pierre had a tight hold of him. Charles took Noah from Pierre and enveloped him in a hug. Just like Pierre, Charles was Noah's second favourite person in the entire world, behind his dad of course.

"We just have to go and speak to the media and then we will be back, and I can give you a proper tour" Pierre explained, whilst wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing a kiss in your hair. You only nodded in response, you were familiar with the layout of race weekends, and you didn't mind keeping Noah entertained for a few more minutes to prevent Pierre from getting in trouble.

You watched as Charles handed Noah back to Pierre and you were prepared to take him back again, but Noah wouldn't let go of his dad. Pierre chuckled lightly and then shrugged, looks like you'll all be going to the media pen.

You followed behind Pierre and Noah watching as Noah clung onto Pierre's fireproof suit, worried that Pierre might go again. Pierre was whispering in his ear and making the small boy giggle lightly, and you had no doubt he was telling him not to cause too much trouble for him whilst he spoke to some people.

Once you reached the media pen you stayed on the outside but kept Noah and Pierre in your sight so you could intervene in case Noah got too rowdy. Turns out you had nothing to worry about as Noah was a little natural in front of the cameras and created quite the crowd from the media. They loved his matching Alpha Tauri shirt and the way he was a carbon copy of the driver holding him. He even managed to shout Alpha Tauri over one of Pierre's answers making everyone laugh and leaving no doubt who he supported.

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